chapter 14

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AN: guys I skipped some I didn't know how to start it off so I skipped to where they find out what there having 

we was watching tv when the news said "bieber having a child?" nobody knew and we plan to keep it that way. but someone had found out and told.

we was getting ready to go to the doctors. today was the day we find out what sex is really in my body.

"you ready?" Justin yelled


we walked out of the house and got in the car..

"are you ready?" I asked Justin

"yes" Justin answered

we pulled in the hospital. Justin came around and opened the door for me. I got out walked in and singed in. we sat down in the waiting room. I was on twitter replaying to fans and Justin was doing the same. "bieber" we both jumped up and followed the nurse to the room. I lifted up my shirt and she put that clear gel on me and looked.

"well" she said

"everything ok?" Justin asked

"yea the baby is on it side and cant see body parts"

we were silent for a little than the nurse jumped and said "ok im getting  something"

I looked over and saw the baby moving. it rolled over and the doctor said "well I got to get a doctor in here"

"is everything ok?'' Justin asked again

the nurse and the doctor came in

"let me have a look" the doctor said. "well mrs and mr bieber it looks like yall are having twins"

I looked over at Justin he had the biggest smile on his face. "well can you tell what sex they are?' Justin asked

"yea one is for sure a boy'' the doctor said "the boy is in the way to see the other one. but can you see the other head right here?"

"yea kinda" Justin said

"how about you get up and walk around maybe the babies will move around and we can see. be abck in about 30 mins" the doctor told us

the nurse handed me a paper towel, I wiped my stomach off and me and Justin got up.

"wow twins" Justin said

"yea I know"

"well the boy name?" Justin said

"well I think it should be Gabe" I said

"ok" Justin said smiling

we went back to the room and I got the gel put back to me and here we went again.

"ok now I can see both of them." the nurse said "well there's the boy and there's the girl"

me and Justin got up again  and left. he kissed me and I felt his smile though our kiss.

"I love you'' Justin said

"I love you too"

"and I choose the girls name is Taylor." Justin said

we went home called everyone. we both took showers and went to sleep.

He's mine (a justin bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now