Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning with Justin playing with my hair.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning" I said while leaning up giving justin a kiss. We both got up Justin got in one shower and I got in another. I got out and blowed dried my hair, put some cloths and finished getting ready. I started cramping. I started curling my hair when Justin came in "you ready?"

"Yea just let me finish my hair."


He shut the door I finished curling my hair. I walked out grapped my purse.

"You ready?"

"Yup lets go"

We walked out the door an got in the car.

"So where are we going?" I asked


"Justin slow down your going to get pulled over."

Soon as I said that there was blue lights was behind us.

"Shit!" Justin said as the cop got out of his car.

Justin rolled down his window.

"What's the matter sir?"

"We'll Justin you were speeding.''

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Listen boy, I'm gonna let you go this time but if I catch you speeding again I will give you a ticket."

"Ok thanks sir." The cop walked away Justin looked at me which his brown eyes and leaned in and kissed me. We pulled off.

"See I told you you were going to get pulled over."

"Yea I know."

"So you can't tell me where were going?"



We drove for a little than we pulled in somewhere. "Here you are going to be blind folded again"

"Uhhhhhhh ok."

I put the blind food on and the car started moving again. Soon we pulled in the car stopped. Justin got out and came around helped me out, I grabbed his hand and I stood in front of him. He shut the door. When I got out I heard screams, laughs. Justin took the blind fold off and I noticed that we were at the county fair.

"I hope you like fairs.''

"I do"

We went and bought some wrist bands. So we could ride as many rides as we wanted. We rode some rides and than Ryan showed up.

"Hey bro" Ryan said as coming up to Justin as they did there little hand shake. Just still had my hand.

"So what rides have y'all rode?'' Ryan asked

Justin told him all the rides. Ryan had asked could we go on one if the rides. Justin looked over at me. "Can you ride it?"

I was going to say something and Ryan said "your not pregnant are you."

"No she's terrified of heights."

"Oh ok good"

Justin looked at me "if you don't want to go we done have too."

"I guess I could try it."

"Ok" we went and stood in line Justin got a few pictures with some fans. Before I knew it, it was our turn to get on. I took a big breath in. "It's ok." Justin told me.

We sat down, I was in the middle if Justin and Ryan. The person came around made sure we were all hooked up and started the ride. I closed my eyes and put my head in Justin's shoulder. "It's ok'' I heard justin whisper in my ear. I tried to look up but than I flipped out. I put my head back in Justin's shoulder. I felt Justin hand on my leg. I grapped his hand and held it tight. Soon the ride stopped. I got off.

"You were scared!" Justin said

"Yes I know I'm terrified of heights."

"I know" just said while leaning in for a kiss.

"Ok love birds lets ride some more rides.'' We heard Ryan say and we stopped kissing. We rode rides for a couple of more hours. Ryan came over that night for supper. After we got done eating Justin ad Ryan went and played Xbox while I cleaned the dishes. When I was done I went in the living room. Sat down beside Justin. I saw that he was loosing and grabbed the remote I have him the shhhhh sign. I had beat Ryan. "How did you catch up to me justin?"

He looked over "where's your romote?"

"I got it" I said

"You just beat me?"

"Yea you just lost by a girl."

"Oh man. Replay megan?"


We played again and of course I won again.

"Gosh your good megan."

"Haha yea I know."

I gave Justin the remote and him and Ryan played. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. Just woke me up by carrying me back to bed. He laid me down and I got up and went and put some pjs on. I got back in bed and laid by Justin. He kissed my forehead and we fell off to sleep.

AN; thanks for reading. Tell me some good ideas for the rest of the two weeks that pattie has the kids. I need help. Any ideas? But tell me what you think. I got the fair idea because the county fair is going on right now where I live. So any ideas comment please.

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