Chapter 30

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The day we leave for the tour.

The nanny came that morning I told her where everything was. How they did anything and have her my number, patties number and Justin's number just in case she needed anything. I went and picked up Taylor. "Mommy loves you. I will see you soon." I kissed her and have her to Justin an I got gabe. I kissed him and Justin did the same. I saw Justin had some tears in his eyes. I had tears rolling out of my eyes. I walked out the door. Crying Justin came up beside me "everything will be ok. They will be at my show next tuesday."

I dried up the tears as I got on Justin's tour bus. Justin showed me where things were. Scooter jumped on, "ok Justin were about to leave I'm riding on the other bus. It's Justin y'all on here. First show tomorrow in Megan's home town."

I was excited that we were going to be in my hometown. Some of my friends were going to be there. 14 hour drive. Scooter walked off.

"Ready?" The bus driver yelled

"Yup lets hit the road."

We say down. Me and Justin cuddled on the bed. We watched tv. Justin sat up. He got his phone out and was replaying to fans.

Late that night. We pulled into a parking lot.

Scooter came on "we're going to start setting up stage. You get a good night rest I will be up here in the morning for rehearses."


"Let's go lay down baby."

I followed Justin to the bed.we laid down. I got on my phone and watched the nanny cam. She was so good with the kids. She was in the floor with them playing. I got off and pugged my phone up and cuddled with Justin.

The next day.

Scooter came in "Justin get up."

Justin jumped up got some cloths on.

"When you get up and put some cloths on come in."

"Ok wait for me"

I got up and put a hoddie and shorts on. Went and got ready.

"You ready?"


Justin held my hand. I looked out the tour bus door. There was millions if fans outside. Justin's gards gathers around us and pushed though the crowd. We went in and I remembered the night I met justin. I looked in his brown eyes. Fell in love. Justin got up on stage and yelled "I'm back!!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhh" I yelled.

"Is there that girl named megan out there? Bc if there is she's mine."

"OMG you said my name."

"I love you."

"I love you too!"

They came out and put his head piece on. The first song came on. He sang. They played every song. Justin came off stage.

"Go get ready."

I walked to the front doors the gards came over gathered around me and walked me to the bus. I walked in and got some cloths. Curled my hair. I stayed in the bus for a while when Justin called


"You coming back in?"

"Yea coming now."

I walked to the door and they walked me to the other door to go in the concert. Scooter came over and took me to Justin. "Here is your VIP pass. If you walk out you will have to have this to come back in."

He's mine (a justin bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now