Chapter 13

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The whole ride home Justin was happy. It made me happy that he was happy, but I was scared! He looked over at me as turned down the music.

"Everything ok babe?"

"Yea I'm just...never mind"

"No what is it?"

"I'm scared"

"It will be ok I promise! I will be there the whole time!"

We pulled in at the house and went in I walked to the bedroom pulled off my shoes and laid down. Justin came in there later and laid down with me.

"Everything will be ok I promise!" He told me over and over again.

It was getting late and I got up and put some pjs on and Justin did the same. I got in bed Justin kissed me and told me one last time "everything will me ok" I drafted off to sleep.

The Next Day

Justin woke me up this morning. He said he wanted to tell his mom before she left. She was bringing food this morning. As soon as I lead up I had to rush to the bathroom Justin ran after me got a pony tail holder and pulled my hair up and sat down beside me rubbing my back. I wiped my mouth off and got up.

"I'm getting in the shower" I said

"I would kiss you, but you got vomit on you!"

"Oh it's ok"

I got in the shower washed my hair and body shaved my legs and got out. I dried my hair and curled it. I went an got a pair of shorts and slides and went and got one of Justin's hoodies. I walked out Pattie and Justin was setting the table. I walked in and help them. Me and Justin have not planned how to tell pattie but I think we was going to wing it! We sat down and fixed our plates we were all talking when Justin said "mom we have to tell you something"

"Yea what is that justin?"

"Megan went to the doctor yesterday, because she wasn't feeling good. Well we found out that she was 2 weeks pregnant."

"Oh congratulation"

I couldn't really tell if she was mad. But than that smile came in her face and a smile came on mine. Just as I lefties my head up and smelt the food, I jumped up and ranting the bathroom. Justin followed behind me, so did Pattie. Justin did the same as earlier this morning pulled my hair up and rubbed my back. Pattie said that she would clean the kitchen and run down and get vomit pills. Justin left and I clean my face. I went back to the living room where Justin was.

"So I'm guessing that this will be a everyday thing." Justin said as I came and sat beside him.

"Yea I guess, I've never been pregnant before." I answered

"Well even if this a everyday thing I still love you."

"I love you too."

Pattie came though the door and have me two pills told me to take those every 7 to 8 hours. I nodded and took the two she gave me.

"Bye guys I got to go" pattie told us.

"Bye" me and Justin both said

"So is there anyone you need to tell?" Justin asked me

"My sister"

"Than go call her"

I walked to our bedroom to get my phone. I dialed her number ad she answered


"Hey what's up"

"Nm but I got to tell you something"

"What is that"

"Yesterday I wasn't feeling good and Justin took me to the doctor found out that I'm 2 weeks pregnant!"

"OMG yay! Congratulation!"


"We'll talk to you later!"


I walked back into the living room and Justin was playing Xbox.

"Wanna play?"

"Wanna? Ummm hell yes!"

He handed me a remote and we played call of duty for hours.

"What do you want for supper?" Justin asked

"I don't care! Surprise me!"

Me and Justin had been dating for 8 months almost 9 and I knew he was very good with surprises. He left and came home with some McDonalds food.

"I didn't feel like cooking and I figured you didn't want to so I got McDonalds"

We ate and went to bed.

"So names? Lets start with girls" Justin said

"Well mine would be Tegan''

"Mine would be taylor"

"Boys now?"

I said "chase"

Justin said "gabe"

AN; out of the names above which should they be?

Boy or girl?

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