Choater 12

314 11 3

2 weeks later

I woke up not feeling too good. I sat up and rushed to the bathroom. Justin was in the shower. I held my head over the toilet, Justin peeked out if the shower "gross" I heard him say. He got out and pulled my hair in a pony tail, I got up wiped y mouth off, and Justin looked at me "is that the flu or morning sick"

"I don't know" I answered.

"I think you might need to see a doctor!"

"I don't know, I'm tired I don't feel good I just want to lay in bed."

"Ok that's fine I'm going out with Ryan and Chaz, I will be back in a little.''

"Ok goodbye love u"

"I love you too!"

I was now at the house by myself, and needed someone to talk to. Maggie came to mind, she was one of y friends her grandmother lives in L.A she was down for the summer.

I called her

"Hey Maggie"

"Megan is that you!"


"I'm in L.A we need to hang out!"

"Yea I know, can you hang out today like right now?"

"Yea where should we meet?"

"At walmart!"

"Ok see you there!"

I hung up and went ad got dressed. I walked out and grabbed my purse, an my keys. I got in the car and drove to Walmart. I was there in abut 20 mins.


"I'm parked." I was cut off

"I see your car!"

She pulled over by my car.

"Hop in my car" I told her

She came around and got in my car.

"I need you to go inside here and buy me a pregnancy test"

"Ok do you think you are?"

"I was sick this morning and I really don't feel good, and it's not flu season!"

"Ok you coming in?"

"No because if someone spots me and sees that's I have a pregnancy test tomorrow the new will be "Bieber's girlfriend pregnant?"

"Oh ok"

She got out of the car and walked in. She was in there for about 30 mins. She came back and handed me the test

"You can ride with me or drive your car to the house."

"I will drive"

She hopped in her Car and followed me to the house. I walked in and Maggie followed me I got the test. And went to the bathroom.

"Was did it say?" Maggie asked as I come out

"Well yes"

"So this said you were?"


Justin walked though the door

"Who's this?"

"It's Maggie one of my friends"

"Oh ok"

Justin waked outside with Chaz and Ryan they went and played basketball.

"Are you going to tel justin?" Maggie asked

"Yea I just don't know when!"

Maggie's phone rang we grandmother wanted her home

"Bye talk to you later"

I walked out and found the boys playing basketball. I walked back in and sat on the couch and watched tv. I must have fell off to sleep, and Justin carried me to bed. I woke up in the bed.

"Justin" I yelled

"Yea babe!"

"Come here"

Next thing I knew he was at the door.

"Come lay beside me" I told him

He waked over and laid down beside me.

"Everything ok?" He asked me

"Yea I guess"

I started crying

"Babe whats wrong?"

"Idk I really don't know. I don't feel good..." He cut me off

"Let's go!"

"Where are we going?" I asked

"The doctor!"

I got up and walked out the door Justin explained everything to Chaz and Ryan they stayed at the house. We was in the car and Justin asked "do you think your pregnant?''

"I don't know"

We got there justin helped me out if the car. We walked in and soon someone called "bieber" we got up and walked back. I laid down on the bed and next a doctor with brown hair and blue eyes walked in

"Will you pull your shirt up?"

I pulled my shirt up and she put this clear gel on my stomach. I looked up and she said I was about 2 weeks. Justin smiled and I smiled.

AN; wow I don't really know if this was any good but tell me what you think!

Also still answer these questions?

Boy or girl?


I have had only two answers

He's mine (a justin bieber love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang