Chapter 33

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We flew back to California. We were going to stay at a hotel. Justin didn't want his mom to know, that I might be pregnant again. We got off the plan. We got a taxi and went to a hotel. Justin went and checked in. We walked up to the room. I got up there called the doctors office. I had a appointment at 5:30 that afternoon.

"How are we going to get too the doctors?''

"What do you mean?"

"Justin we don't want anyone knowing that I might be pregnant again."

"Oh well we will just have too call one of my friends."


Justin got his phone out and came and sat down beside me on the bed. He called Ryan. He talked to him for awhile. Soon he got off.

"He's on his way."


"So do you think you are?"

"I don't know."

We watched tv. Ryan called.

"Let's go!"

We walked out of the room went and got in Ryan's car. We drove to the doctors. We got out, Ryan went and parked the car. We walked in. I went and signed in.

Soon "bieber" we got up and followed the doctor. We got in the room. Normally they did everything once they got me in there, and this lady did the same.

"Will you please pull your shirt up?"

I pulled my shirt up to the end of my bra. She rubbed the gel on me. She moved it around for a while.

"Ok, I found something."

I looked over you could see just a little egg kinda like thing.

"Do you care if we talk in front of him?" She asked me


"Ok when was the last time you had your period?"

"Umm I don't really remember."

''Last month?"

"Yea, I think"

"Well your 7 and 1/2 weeks pregnant."

My jaw dropped. I looked over at Justin. He had his head on his hands.

"You haven't notice any problems?"


"Ok"she gave me a towel and I got the gel off me. We walked out.

"We can talk about this when we get to the room." I told Justin

We got in the car. Justin had told Ryan that we thought I was pregnant again.

"So anything."

"Yea 7 and 1/2 weeks."


"Yes we know just take us back."

Ryan drove us back. We went into the hotel, went up to the room. Justin looked mad. We went in Justin wouldn't talk to me. I went and sat on the bed.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

"Baby it takes two to make one."

"I know but I should have know when we had sex it was around my period time."

"Baby it's ok."


I laid down. Justin laid down beside me. He pulled me up on to his side.

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