Chapter 25

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Taylor woke me up with her screams. I looked at the clock it was 2:35am. I went and got her. I gave her a bottle and rocked her back to sleep. I went back to bed. I fell off to sleep an gabe woke me up with his screams, I started to get up but Justin said with his raspy voice "I got him babe" I laid back down and fell back to sleep.


I woke up. Justin was not in bed. I got up and walked in the babies room. Taylor was still asleep and gabe wasn't in bed. I remembered Justin getting up and getting gabe but I didn't remember him coming back to bed. I walked into the living room. I found Justin an gabe sleeping on the couch. I went and picked gabe up and took him to his bed. Justin didn't wake up. So I went and got a shower. I got out and heard Taylor crying. I than heard Justin walking down the hall. I got dressed. I walked out and Justin was on the couch and Taylor was playing in the floor. I went and sat down beside Justin.

"Can you believe that we have almost been together for two years and the kids are about to be one?" Justin asked me

"I know!"

"Are you ready to go visit my dad?"


"I'm.." He was cut off by gabe crying

"I got him" Justin said

He got up off the couch and went and brought gabe back. He put him in the floor with Taylor. They started laughing at each other.

"Awwwww" I heard Justin mumble

Justin came an sat down beside me.

"Like I was saying I'm ready to see my sister and brother."

"We'll let's start taking about us being parents"

"Yea what do we need to talk about?"

"We need to start getting them off bottles!"


We just sat there watching them play, Taylor was now walking so she was up and down waking the whole time. Justin looked at me and kissed me on the cheek. We looked at each other and Justin's lips crashed on mine. We looked back down at the kids and gabe was trying to stand up. We watched him for a while. He held on to the coffee table. Justin got up and grabbed his hands he walked him across the room over to me. I picked him up and put him in my lab. He laughed alittle. We looked over and found Taylor walking over to us. Justin picked her up and she was on the couch. Gabe and Taylor played on the couch for a while. Gabe yawned and I went and put him down for a nap. Came back and Justin was playing with Taylor. I stood in the hall and listen to Taylor's laugh.

"I think it's time for a nap" Justin got up and carried her to her room. He came back and we Sat on the couch.

"We'll I'm going to pack" I said

"Yea I might want to do the same."

We both got up I packed my cloths and Justin packed I went and got Taylor and gabe some cloths diapers. We were done packing. Justin went and cooked supper. I sat in the living room and replayed to people on twitter. Taylor and gabe both woke up. I went and got them out of be and Taylor walked to the kitchen and I carried gabe. I put them in there high chair and fixed them a cup. Justin fixed their plates. We all sat down and ate. When everyone was down Justin wet and played with the kids and I washed the dishes. When I was washing the dishes I felt someone pulled on me. I looked down and saw Taylor pulling at my shorts. Justin came in. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my neck. "Get Taylor so I can put the dishes up." Justin picked up Taylor and she started crying. She had we hands out waiting for me to take her. I took her out of Justin's hands

"You don't like daddy?"

"We'll Taylor daddy likes you!" Justin said

Taylor starts laughing.

"We'll we need to get to bed we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I said

I took Taylor to be and Justin took gabe to bed. Me and Justin got in bed ourselves.

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