Chapter 15

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I was now 22 weeks. I was really big, I mean I was carrying two people inside me instand of one! We were getting the baby's room ready.

"I'm ready to get these kids out of me!"

"I'm ready to see them!"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Justin walked over to me and kissed me. Than kissed my stomach.

"I love you babies" I heard him whisper

It made me smile.

"We are about done with the room. All you have to do is go shopping with my mom today for cloths, diapers, wipes, and baby beds, or whatever else y'all need." Justin told me. "So you might want to go get ready!"

I rushed to my closet and got some cloths out, an put them on.

"Megan" I heard pattie yell

"I'm coming"

Pattie and I went shopping and got everything that I needed for the baby. When I came home I packed somethings in and walked in our bedroom and told Justin to get his ass out there and help carry in. He jumped out of bed and ran out the door. Everything was carried in. Justin went and finished the room and went to take a shower. He didn't come to the living room for a while so I went and checked on him. I walked in the bedroom ad found him on his phone.

"What you doing?" I asked

"On twitter" he answered

I walked over and laid down beside him.

"What you doing in twitter?"

"Replaying to beliebers.''

"I remember when I was a belieber, well I still am but before we started dating, every time you came online I would tweet like crazy to get you to notice me."

"Yea everybody does that!" He laughed

He started reading a tweet out loud "Justin I love you. Please follow me. It would make me smile forever never have a sad face on again. Take care of your babies Justin you and megan make a good couple."

"Should I follow her? Tweet her?"

"Unmmmmm hell yes"

Justin tweeted "awe I love you too! Never have a sad face again! And I will take care if my babies. And thanks I really love her."

I got on her account and she tweeted like "did that really just happen" "am I dreaming?"

Me and Justin laughed at that girl.

"I would like to meet her!"

"We'll let's find her and let's go" I said

We jumped up and tracked her down next thing you knew we were in the girls parking lot! Justin called her mom and told her not to tell her but he was coming. We went and rang the door bell. Her mom answered the door "she's in that room"

The door was covered with Justin's pictures. Justin had her mom knock on her door and told her to come out, justin hind be hind a wall she came out and he jumped out at her. She started crying "don't cry sweetie!" Justin told her. Justin hugged her so tight like he didn't even want to let go. He kissed her, and gave her a big hug that got there picture and she came over to me.

"Wow your so big and very lucky!"


She rubbed my stomach. I told justin I was going out I wasn't feeling good. I walked out and first thing I did was bent down and got sick Justin and the whole family came out. The mom got me a glass of water.


"Your welcome" herd the mom say.

"I don't feel good!" I told Justin "I'm really hot, I feel dizzy!"

"Can you call the ambulance?" He asked the mom

She ran in and called 911 "hello I need someone at my house now"

Justin grabbed the phone told them everything was going on my face was pale I was sweating I was dizzy. The girls mom walked over and said she was a doctor.


The ambulance got there loaded me up and Justin hoped in. I got to the hospital in no time. They rushed me in and put some tubes in me. I remember waking up with Justin on my phone.

"What's going on?" I asked

"I don't know you were at a fans house with me walked out and got sick you told me you didn't feel good you were really got and felt dizzy. Your face was pale."

"I knew that. Do they know whats wrong?"

"No" Justin answered

We were there for the rest of the night Justin got a ride to the fans house and got the car. When he came back the doctor came in said "your just got a little to hot, and your sugar was low. Do you have a diabetics in your family?"

"Yea a lot" I answered

"Ok well we checked you and you aren't but you are very close."

They took the ivs out and we left I went home. Later that night justin said what a day!

"I love you!" He mumbled

"I love you too"

I put my head in his chest, he rolled over and out his arm over my stomach.

"Goodnight babe!'' Justin said

"Goodnight honey"

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