Chapter 8

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I'm not gonna lie. The concert sounds super awesome. I heard Luke and Ashton talking about it. They said that there were gonna be fireworks and strobe lights.

   After I'd beaten Michael at his own game, the buses had arrived at the stadium. It was huge, bigger than my fifteen tour buses combined. Tickets must cost a fortune. Once we stopped, I was the first off the bus. I took in a deep breath of Melbourne air.  I ran over to One Direction's bus and pried open the doors.
    "Get up you lazy arses! We have arrived." I yelled into their beds. Zayn just groaned really loudly.

Niall slid off of his bunk and grinned at me widely. "Hey Brin." I smiled back. Niall's hair was messy from his slumber. It looked kinda cute.
He's just your brother's friend, I told myself. He doesn't like you that way and neither do you. I shook the thoughts from my head.

"We're here." I could barely keep the smile off my face. "It's huge." Niall grabbed a random Rolling Stones shirt off of his bed and put it on. Did I mention he was shirtless?

  He was putting his right arm through his sleeve as he was pulled on his shoes. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he walked off of the bus. I followed him. He turned around and grinned.
    "I wanna see the stadium. Obviously." I skipped a little faster to catch up to him.

  "So, how's day one of living the tour life?" Niall asked with a hint of amusement in his deep Irish voice.
    I shot him a fleeting look. "Pretty damn terrible. They're all moody toddlers, really." I said to him.
   He laughed out loud and I took a moment to really look at him. His blonde hair looked shiny in the sunlight and his teeth look amazing since he got his braces off.

  I stopped my staring and focused my attention to the ground.  "C'mon! Let's go see this stadium." I raced ahead with his jogging after me.

The stadium left me breathless. Meet in a million years had I though that my big brother, the class clown, would be here. It was enough to seat a couple thousand people. "Oh wow." I whispered. Niall shoved his hand on his pockets and nodded, eyes wide in amazement. Then he looked sideways to me.

   "I bet you're gonna play here someday." I looked at him like he had three heads. Then laughed.
    "You're crazy." I told him while shaking my head. Even I didn't have that amount of confidence in me.
   "No, I'm serious Brinley." He told me. It was hard not to get lost in his swimming blue eyes. "You are an amazing singer. You are good enough to be here." He looked back at the countless number of seats lined up in rows that would be all occupied in a few hours. "I didn't think I'd even get out of Ireland. But here we are." He said. Our voices bounced off of the empty walls, letting our spirits free in the wind.

    I preferred to observe the concert from backstage. It will probably help me in the future to see what goes on behind the scenes. Luke, Calum and Michael were in their dressing room brushing their teeth. Ashton was running around like crazy. "Where the hell are my drumsticks?!" He looked frenzied.
    "Where did you put them last?" I piped up from the corner. I decided not to have the muscular equivalent of the hulk against me.
    "I can't remember!" He yelled.
"Calm down, can't you just find other ones?" I asked him, holding up a hand.

  "No. Those are my lucky drumsticks! My first ever pair! I need them for the first night of a tour, at least." He told me. I bit my lip and looked around.
   "Have you checked with the other boys yet?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Well, go do it!" He ran off towards the 5SOS dressing room as I went around, trying to find some wood sticks.

    I ended up in the hallway where they store microphones and other cords. I looked in all the little cases but nothing. Then I ended up in the sound booth. There was a cardboard box underneath the control table.
I squinted my eyes and pulled it out. There was a pair of drumsticks in it. The drumsticks had stars on the ends and lots of chips in the wood. I smiled a tiny bit and raced back to the spot where I last saw Ashton.
"Ashton!" I yelled out. "Has anybody seen Ashton Irwin?" I called. The stage crew shrugged. I then ran to their dressing rooms and knocked vigorously on the door. They were on stage in five minutes.
Luke opened the door with a blue toothbrush in his mouth. "Whad do you wambt?" He mumbled through the foam.
"I found these for Ashton." I held up the drumsticks. Ashton's curly head popped up behind Luke and he sighed in relief.
"Thank god, you're a life saver. I owe you one." He said after taking them from my hands.
Luke shrugged and disappeared back into the room.

I motioned Ashton to step out of the room. He closed the door behind him. "You don't owe me anything. I guess I want to apologize for being a brat when I met you and anytime on from then." I looked down then back up at him. "You're not that egotistical, I guess." I said to him, pulling the corners of my mouth up.

He smirked. "Apology accepted. So we're cool? No more roasting sessions?" He added, sticking out his jumbo hand.
I shook it and replied, "We're cool." I couldn't stop smiling.

Sure, they're nice guys, but I'm not getting sidetracked by some strange kangaroos.

A/N: wow I just realized how long this is gonna be😂oh well more for your guys. Have a nice day! Okay byeee🐛

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