Chapter 19

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I walked around the backstage wing of the areas. The buses weren't leaving for another twenty minutes so I decided to do some exploring.
I wandered around near the sound booths and somehow ended up in a room full of instruments. I entered the room carefully, as if I would set off a bomb if I broke about anything. Everything looked so fragile and perfect. I could tell that most of the instruments hadn't been played before and they were new, due to the gloss and clean look.

I picked up a black acoustic guitar off of a wall mount. I cradled it in my arms and sat down in one of the many black chairs surrounding a baby grand piano.
I fiddled around with the strings and fret until I settled on a song. I Miss You by Blink-182.
I let my fingers slide along the chords. "I'm so sorry, I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight." I sang softly. I didn't really like playing guitar in front of people because I wasn't very good. My hands wouldn't move fast enough to get to all the notes. But I'd found this song and I wanted to learn it.
"Don't waste your time on me," I sang on, knowing that nobody was watching me or anything. I wasn't a huge fan of Blink, but they had a few songs that I really like.

I let myself fell the vibrations of the strings through the wood. It had been a long time since I'd played the guitar, three years since I'd learned a few simple songs from my father. My dad was really into music and he was super talented in guitar. He played in our church choir and taught lessons on school days at my house.

Once I finished the song, I heard clapping from behind me. I stood up real fast and placed the guitar back. "That was really good!" A girl that looked about my age with black hair and piercing green eyes said to me. I was surprised.
"How'd you get back here? Who are you?" I asked hurriedly.

"My name is Malia Sparks. I was here for the concert but I heard you and I wanted to see what it was." She said, motioning towards me. "Wasn't that blink-182?" She asked me.
I could barely process her words because she talked so fast. I blinked twice and nodded. "I don't think hire supposed to be back here." I stuttered. "I mean, I don't think I'm supposed to be back here either." I rushed out of the room, but the girl followed me.

"Who are you? Why aren't we allowed in there?" She asked me, nearly jogging to keep up with my faster footsteps.
"I'm Brinley. I just don't think fans are supposed to be back there." I took a peek at her confused face out of the corner of eye.
Then a look of realization washed over her face. "Oh my gosh! You're Brinley Tomlinson!" She said excitedly. "I've watched your covers on YouTube! Your Teenage Dirtbag cover is my favorite." I stopped walking so fast to look at her.

"You actually watch those? I thought nobody did." I said to her. "I really like that song." I wryly smiled.
"Yeah, I watch them. A lot of people do." She said as if it was obvious.

We continued to walk, taking about music and random things until I ran into a tall, strong figure. "Oh!" I squealed. Someone with strong arms caught me before I could fall. I looked up. It was Harry. "You scared me." I said, placing a hand over my heart in attempt to stop it from beating really fast.

"Sorry love." He apologized to me. "Who's this?" He said, motioning to my new-found friend.
    I looked at Malia, who tried to keep calm. "Oh, that's Malia. I just met her and now we are friends." I said, swinging an arm around her shoulder. Malia beamed at me then Harry.

   "Hello Malia. My name is Harry." He said very gentlemen-ly.
   She shook his hand and smiled. "I believe I've once heard of your band. What's it called, Next Direction?" She looked at me, just joking in a posh voice.
   "I believe it's called One Direction, Mali." I said, playing along.
   "Ah yes! That's it!" She giggled and so did I. Harry smiled wryly and I separated myself from Malia.

"Well Malia, Harry and I should get going. But can I have your number so we can chat?" I asked her. She nodded and we swapped phones. I put my name in as Brin Tommo🤘.
Her name was put in as Mali Sparky🌚 with that creepy ass moon emoji. I laughed and pocketed my phone.

I said my goodbyes and Harry and I walked off. As soon as she was out of hearing range, he bombarded me with questions. "Why were you with a fan? Why were you all the way back here? That wasn't safe! You could've been hurt!" He said one after another like rapid fire.
"Harry calm down. I was just wandering and I found a music room and I just wanted to check it out. She heard me playing guitar and we started talking. That's all." I said while holding up my hands. He stopped walking and crossed his arms.
"I don't know if I believe you." He said softly. I scoffed out of anger and disbelief.

"Fine. Don't believe me. I'm not getting into another fight with one of my friends." I said, throwing my hands up in surrender.
"She could leak your number! She could leak Louis' number! You don't know the cost!" He said, his pleading green eyes piercing into my brain. Everything fell silent.

"Luke was your friend?" He asked quietly, looking up from his focus on the ground.
"What?" I whipped my head up at him.
He looked nervous that I would blow up at him. "When you said that you got into a fight with your friend. Was Luke your friend?"

A/N: whooeeee a lot happened In this chapter. Jk lol not really but next chapter is gonna be crazyyyyyyy🌚okay byeeeee🌝

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