Chapter 32

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       "So, how'd the hospital life go without us?" Niall asked me after is exchanged hugs with everyone.
      "Meh." I shrugged. "It was very boring having to sleep for three and s half months." I joked.
   "Well, at least you got to catch up on sleep." He teased back. "None of us had gotten any sleep since it happened."

   "Okay people, let's roll out before we get papped." Louis said, catching the attention of us. I hear Smithers of agreement. Paparazzi were the bane of celebrity's existences. They make up stories that will catch the eyes of gullible people just to stir up drama.
  We made our way out the back, where I assumed they'd parked. We were huddled by security guards, which definitely brought up some suspicion to bystanders.
    I remained clueless to what had gone on before I'd arrived so I just went with the flow. We separated into two cars. I just went on the car Niall was headed towards. I hopped into the backseat next to my Irish friend. Luke, Calum and Ashton boarded into the car after us. Michael must've gotten into the other car. "Hello friends!" Ashton said cheerily once they were settled into their seats. I was squished between Luke and Niall in the backseat as Calum and Ashton took the seats in front of us. A driver and a security guard were in the driver's and passenger's seats.

   "Well this is gonna be a fun 45-minute drive back." I drawled out quietly to Niall.
   "Please be civil." Niall said while patting my knee. "Besides, I thought you were all good with them? No more war going on?" He asked.
    "Yeah, we did make up." I sighed. "But it doesn't mean I forgot all about it." I protested. Yes, I had made peace with the 5SOS boys, but I can't seem to forget about how cocky they were.

  "Brinley, you need to let it go." Niall sighed and kept his voice low. "Do you even know how much Luke beat himself up when you were in that coma?" He asked solemnly. I stayed silent. "We had to force food down his throat. He got so drunk the next night because he didn't want to even think that you could possibly be dying. He got eight hours of sleep per week."
   This news made me sink deeper into my seat. I was never sure about my feelings for the blonde boy, but this made me reconsider everything I'd known. I'd actually effected him that much? 

    I snuck a glance at the young boy next to me. Luke was focused on his phone, playing a game. He looked so young and innocent, yet broken and wise. He's seen so much and he's only 17. He knows so much about the real world than an average person would know in their whole life.
    I looked back at Niall, biting at my lip, as he nudged me towards Luke.

   "Hey Luke?" I said calmly, hiding my nerves behind a cover of casualty.


"Hi." I panicked and said something stupid. He looked up from his game and smirked at me sweetly.

   "Hey?" He looked amused with my awkwardness.
   "So what else did I miss when I was asleep?" I said while trying to recover from my faux pas.

   "Well, you missed pretty much all of the Europe shows. It's a bummer because Paris was beautiful." He said wistfully, as if he missed being there. "I wish you were there." He smiled sadly at me.
    I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder for comfort. I felt his strong build tense up by my touch, but I decided to ignore it. "I wish I could be there too. It would be nice to get away from things." I wanted to push past the awkwardness that had happened last I saw him in my hospital room where he confessed his growing love for me.

   He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound in his chest that spread a cute smile across his cheeks, showing off his dimples. "You've 'been away from things' for quite some time." He stated.
   "Oh yeah." I remember, furrowing my brow. "Then I want to go to sleep to be away some more." I smuggled closer into his shoulder.

   "Here, you'll be more comfortable if you lie down." He shifted my body closer to him and I rested my head on his lap.
   "Mmm, thanks." I mumbled before dozing off to the rhythm of his hands running through my hair.

I'd fallen asleep for about fifteen minutes before I awoke to some quite whispering next to me. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing even so they wouldn't know that I was awake.

"So how's the relationship going?" I heard a playful Irish voice that was undeniably Niall.
   "It's not going anywhere. I dorm know how to tell her or ask her out or anything. This right now is basically a dream to me." Luke said from above me. I was slightly awake that I was resting on his lap which was a sensitive spot for boys, if you know what I mean.

  Niall chuckled. "Go slow. She hates rushing into things. Give little hint to let her know that you like her." I could barely believe my ears. Luke actually likes me? This must be a joke.

   It doesn't matter if he does or if he doesn't. My mum is coming for me anyways. I can't get attached to him or lead him around like a dog.

  I almost didn't hear Luke's last remark. "But that's the thing. I don't think I like her." A lump formed in my throat, restricting me from speaking. "I think I love her."

A/N: WOWOWOWOWOWOW much fluff. So much fluff. Okay byeeeee🛌

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