Chapter 59

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       "So what should we do?" I said once I broke away from Luke.
   "I was thinking a little bit of some alone time. Besides, I need to talk to you." Luke said hesitantly, biting his lip and looking away from me. Calum raised an eyebrow, suspicious. The amused look on Ashton's face made me quite hesitant to go with Luke, whatever he wanted to talk about. Michael however, was as serious as I'd ever seen him. I never had seen him look so caring or attentive as now. It made me even more worried. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at Luke.
   His eyes flickered between my eyes, my nose and the floor. "O-okay." I stuttered slightly, pushing the words out.

Being alone with him still made me nervous, even though we'd been friends for a long time. He was my first love and I probably will always love him. It scares me that one person can have so much control over my life. I don't want him to leave but I don't know about starting a relationship so soon. I was still slightly hesitant about him and myself, for that matter. I could possibly still relapse. He wouldn't know. He doesn't even know.

But if he's going to be in my life, he needs to know. Everything, the reason why I left and the reason why I'm staying now, for good. No more running away.
  These guys are my friends and I've never had close friends. I can't lose them now, we've gotten so far.

   Luke took my hand in his and guided me out into the sunny garden, out a door just off the end of the long hallway. A single bench sat in the center of the small and reclusive garden. Various types of flowers and plants surrounded us and sang their songs of beauty and life.
    I smiled softly at the thought of singing plants and sat down next to Luke in the stone bench, which was warmed by the sun.

"You know," he started. He looked as if he was lifting himself up with his arms, they were so strained. "When I first met you, I thought you were weak. Thought you'd never survive the world of hate and jealousy." He chuckled a small bit under his breath. "But I realize now how wrong I am."

I started sweating under the sun. "Brinley, I know about your cancer. And I know why you had to leave. Not at the time, of course." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have given you such a hard time about it two years ago." He laughed again, flashing that small smile that I'd fallen for.
"But I had no right to feel bad for myself because what you were going through was so much worse than mine. You were living through hell. I was just making it hell for myself. You were given hell and you punched him in the face." He spoke to me, staring into my eyes and searching for an answer, anything. "I am glad to say that I'm in love with a badass survivor." He said strongly to me with more confidence than I'd ever seen on him.

I couldn't help it. I smiled back, blushed then looked down. "You make it sound like its the hardest thing in the world." I brushed hair from my face. "But the hardest thing was trying to forget about you." I finally looked up at him.
"I love you Luke. I do. You may me believe it and you might've forgotten but I do. I really do." My feelings poured out of my like water finally breaking free of a dam.

"Why didn't you say that a long time ago?" He said, with a caring and solicitous look on his face.
"Why haven't you kissed me yet?" I teased back, not thinking about what I had said. I couldn't have stopped the words, even if I'd wanted to.
His face went slack but quickly, a slow smirk spread across his cheeks. His hand crept up my cheek, caressing my sling with the pad of his thumb.

I leaned forward in anticipation, aching for him. He was what I want. Only him.

And at last, our lips touched together. Sparks flying like the forth of July. We move together in sync just like a lock and a key fitting into each other. My lips, his lips, molded into one.
I didn't have to look at him to feel the love radiating off of him, the passion. It was intoxicatingly sweet.
And when we parted, I felt empty. I felt half of a whole. But his hand never left my cheek. It was like an anchor holding me down in place.

And we stared at each other. What's my name again?
I couldn't think about the fact that he has a supposed girlfriend or that we'll be on tour together or the other boys. All I could think about was the feeling of him and me together.

And that was quite enough for me.

A/N: they fucking kissed yessss finally. Ps this is the last chapter and next is the epilogue! I'd say this has been a...journey okay byeeeee😏

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