Chapter 14

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"Flight to Dublin, Ireland, now boarding. Have a safe flight." A woman's monotone voice boomed over the loudspeakers. It's been a week since I had that dream and since I've talked to Luke. I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him and be nonchalant without thinking about how it felt.
It's just a dream, I would remind myself. It's not real. Nobody really noticed my weird behavior, they all thought it was normal.

   I wheeled my suitcase down the long corridors to the terminal. We dropped our luggage off at the conveyer belt and boarded the plane with our carry-on bags. Modest! Management decided to get a private jet for us. They really don't need to spend their money on useless things that we don't need. They could at least donate some.
    I settled myself into a tan leather chair and declined it. I stuffed my earbuds into my ears and turned up Blink-182's I Miss You. I let the songs tick by, tune after tune. Hours passed and sleep came over my body. I really tried not to fall asleep. Ever since I'd had the dream about Luke, I was scared that being asleep would let him wander into my brain. So I get eight hours of sleep in the last week and only when he wasn't on the bus. I was behind tired and music calms me. I couldn't help myself from drifting off.

  But surprisingly, no dreams lurked in the depths of my imagination for the next two hours. It seemed like the nightmare stared when I woke up. I stirred and opened my eyes, straining to adjust to the light. Ashton stood in front of me with his phone camera facing me. My face washed white when I realized that he was probably making a Keek.
    I sat up and felt something move under my hand. I jerked away and looked to find Luke sitting in the seat next to me. His hand was draped over mine casually. Anger and angst spread slowly throughout my body like a virus reaching to the deep ends of a computer's circuit board. "Ashton." I began, attempting to keep my blood temperature low. "What are you doing?" I need to be civil on camera.
"Making a keek." He said calmly, completely unaware that I was 203% done with this. I sat up and tried to recompose myself.

"Luke and Brinley are so cute together. They should date." Ashton said to the camera. He turned it around so they could see his face. "I think that Luke should finally get a girlfriend." He smirked and giggled like a little schoolgirl. "Okay bye!" He ended the keek and I was rolling my eyes. Maybe I should set a record for being able to see my brain.

I flopped down on the bed at the hotel in Dublin. Niall did the same. We were sharing a room, since I wasn't in any position willing to share a room with Calum, Luke, Michael or Ashton. Besides, Niall is always down for anything. He's that kind of guy, always up for adventure. "So what are we doing now?" I asked him, turning my head to see him fixing his hair. We both laid down flat on the two separate beds. Louis would never let us share a bed, even though he knows that we don't like each other like that. Niall shrugged and sat up on his pillows. I stood up on the fluffy sheets of my bed and leaped over to his bed.
He bounced up and down on my impact and I continued to jump around on his bed. "This is a very nice bed." I commented between laughs. Niall folded his hands behind his head and tried to look casual.
"Isn't it?" He commented back, grabbing my leg and pulling my down. We were close friends and I really hope it stays that way.

   "Come on Niall, we're gonna be late for that stupid dinner!" I shouted to him from the bathroom. I shrugged on my black leather jacket and pulled on my Converse.
   "I'm ready. I was waiting for you." He came out in jeans and a blue button down, his concert attire.

  We, as in management, decided that we should all go out to dinner together, including One Direction's band. I overheard Josh Devine(the drummer) talking to Harry about his friend that was coming as well from London. I wasn't very keen to playing nice with 5 Seconds of Summer but I guess I can be civil for one night. Then after dinner, we would all go to their show in a large arena.

  Niall and I walked over to Harry and Louis' room and knocked on the door. Harry answered it while pushing his curly hair from his face. "You guys ready?" He asked us. We nodded and Harry had to drag Louis out of their room.
We gathered everyone else and crowded into a large stretch limo. Management had gotten us a reserved restaurant so that we wouldn't be disturbed by paparazzi or fans. I was just interested for food.

Josh's friend was meeting us at the place. It was a very fancy place and I looked the most underdressed with my leather jacket over a green dress. I had barely bothered to but on much makeup.
I had decided to settle myself at the circular table next to an empty chair and Harry. It was easy to see everyone around us from the large table. The door swung open and all of our heads swiveled around to see who had entered the restaurant.

Josh had stood up and went to greet his friend. "Hey man! How's it going?" They did some weird fits bump/hug thing and Josh guided him to the table.

"Guys, this is my friend Caspar Lee."

A/N: Caspar is a YouTuber and this part actually happened. Caspar was friends with Josh then met the rest of them. Okay byeeee🦀

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