Chapter 56

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My mom left my room to go back downstairs and call the record company back. I stayed in my room, sitting in shock and glee. I squealed very loudly and happily.
Louis came running into my room, looking slightly panicked. "What's wrong?" He asked. I giggled at his protective behavior.

"I'm going on tour!" I shouted and danced around on my bed.
"What? How? That's amazing!" He smiled widely. "Who are you going on tour with?" He asked me, still happy for me.
I sank back down onto my bed before clearing my throat. "You're not going to like this." I muttered.

Louis had blamed Luke for everything bad that had happened to me over the past two years. He hasn't talked to any of them since the tour ended.
    Louis' gleeful face dropped and his head tensed. "Are you fucking with me?" He said loudly in shock and anger.
    I always knew he had a vulgar mouth. "Shhh! Watch your language, don't want any of our younger siblings to catch on, do we?" I shot back at him.

    "Brinley, you can't be actually going on tour with them again, can you?" His hands spread out widely from his sides. "Have you learned nothing from last time?"
"Louis, I'm nearly 19 now! It's time I make decisions for myself." I said calmly, trying to be the adult here in this conversation.
"I know,I just-" Louis groaned and ran his hands through his thick brown hair. "I don't want you hurt." He said quieter now.
I stood up and gently rested a hand on his shoulder. "I will be alright. I won't let anybody hurt me."

"Hello?" A familiar Aussie voiced in my ear once he's finally picked up.
"Luke! It's Brinley." I said excitedly.
"Well, you've never called me before, this better be important." He chuckled. I could imagine him scratching his beard, his beard that had grown since I'd seen him last. He looked more like a man in his late twenties than a teen.
    "Guess who's going on tour?" I said nonchalantly, trying to hold back my excitement.
    "Let me guess, Madonna?" He guessed. I knew he was joking.
   "Nope, guess again." A grin stayed plastered on my mouth.

"Green Day?"

"I wish."

"Well then who is it?" He asked, giving up on guessing random names of artists.
   "Me, dummy." I said in a duh tone.

  "Oh I know. I was the one who planned it." He said casually. My moth dropped open in shock.
   "You nasty little bugger! And you didn't tell me?" I shouted at him through the phone.

   "You know how when you left, I said I had a plan?" He asked me coyly. "That's the plan. You're amazing, why not share that with the world and get to be with my amazing girlfriend?" He blabbered until he stopped abruptly.

   My eyes went wide. "G-girlfriend?"
   "I-I gotta go. Bye!" He quickly hung up. I took my phone a way from my ear and stared at it, like he would come throughly he phone and explain to me what the hell that was.
Girlfriend? Did he just slip up, or did he think we were together? Maybe it was a habit because he was with his real girlfriend so much.
The thought of Luke with someone else nagged at the back of mind, reminding me that he will always be happier with someone else. It was like having a fly buzz in my ear 24/7. It was constantly reminding me that he had moved on.

And I was the one who never kissed a boy since I left or got a boyfriend or ever got a friend even. I was so stuck into the ditch that I couldn't even get someone else to pull me out.
I released a deep breath and stood up, pocketing my phone. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother was standing at the stove, stirring something in a pot. "Hello dear. How did the talk go?" She asked me.

"The talk?" I asked her. Oh yeah, Louis and I had to go "catch up". "Great. Good to see him again." My mother sighed.
"I really miss him when he's on tour. I was so used to having the both of you home and now you're both going to be gone again." She wiped her face with the back of her hand. "My babies, pursuing their dreams."

"Mum, we won't be gone that long. Lou will be back before me so you can spend sometime with him." I reassured her while popping a grape into my mouth from the bowl on the counter. "And I don't think I'm going on any other tours after this one." I said with a light chuckle.
"Oh, Brinley, you're being signed! Of course the company will want to do something with their new client." She came over and placed both hands on my cheeks. "Soon enough, you'll be writing an album and selling out arenas worldwide."

"Well, I'm glad that my mother has lots of faith in me." I said, rolling my eyes lightly. It's her job to give my strength that I can't create myself. I'm not famous, I'm not a household name.
I'm definitely not worthy of going on tour yet, I'm still a newbie! I feel guilty because I felt like I cheated my way into it because of Luke. It would've felt better to win it myself.

But I'm going to have to deal.

A/N: another chapter done. This book may have like ten more chapters and wow this has been such a journey(and punny) okay byeee🤗

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