Chapter 41

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       We walked a very long distance after Annabelle payed the worker for parking. The lot was huge and I could see girls of all ages gathering towards the entrance, along with a few guys and parents.
    They all talked excitedly, but they spoke too fast for me to try and catch a name of the band.
   "Annie, please tell me!" I begged my friend. She walked efficiently with a smirk on her face and her red hair blowing back.
    "You'll find out soon enough." She said slyly. I groaned and walked faster to keep up with her.

    We arrived at the gate and long lines wound around the cars in the parking lot. I looked up at the arena, which was humongous. I wonder how big of a band this is, and if I'd heard their songs before. I do hope it's not some bubble-gum pop boyband. I've heard enough of that style.
     Finally, after waiting for thirty minutes in line, we'd gotten up to the front. Annabelle handed two tickets to a big burly man, who scanned them and motioned for us to go through the security check after giving us our tickets back. I was vaguely surprised by the security check. They made me take off my jacket and they made me walk through a large scanner before letting me go through. I almost want to say, "I swear I'm not smuggling a gun."

    I was getting a bit of adrenaline in my veins once we were freed from the security. There was a stand just outside the arena entrance full of merchandise. The line wasn't too long and Annabelle took full advantage of that. "Come on! We gotta go get merch!" She squealed loudly before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the line.

   We got closer to the stand so she could see the designs. I didn't take full attention to the t-shirts until I heard her muttering to herself. "Ashton or Calum? I can't choose." My eyes widened in fear and anxiety.
   My head snapped towards the shirts, my eyes quickly roving over the multiple designs, fear growing in my stomach. They all had the same logo and name on them.
5 Seconds of Summer.

No, this is a joke. 5 Seconds of Summer couldn't possibly be playing an arena this big. No way. I snatched a shirt up from the table and looked at it. The four faces of my past friends were printed on the shirts. "I-I'll be right back." I said to Annabelle hurriedly as I scurried away. She barely took any notice, she was too engrossed in the stand full of expensive merchandise.

   I ran around, looking for any sign of confirmation. I ran up to a girl with dark hair and dyed pink tips. "Um, who's performing here tonight?" I asked quickly and nervously.
    She smiled nicely and responded with passion, "5 Seconds of Summer, duh."
    I nodded and swallowed. "Thank you." I said slowly as I rushed back to my friend, my limbs locking and blood pressure rising.

   "Annabelle, how could you?" I said furiously to her, panic rising in my throat. A feeling in my body rose up from the depths of my memories and resurfaced. I hadn't felt this way in two years.
    "How could I what?" She looked confused. I stopped myself for saying anything more because how could she know? She doesn't know what happened. Nobody does. I hadn't told anybody.
  "Nothing. Never mind." I wiped my sweaty palms down the sides of my pants. "So, 5 Seconds of Summer?" I asked, nearly cringing by the name.
    She giggled. "Yep. They're amazing!" I wanted to say that I knew that they are amazing and that they are also great people but they are also people that I don't really want to see right now so if she could kindly put me on a plane to some remote island, that'd be great.

    "I think I've heard of them." I said coolly. This couldn't really be happening. No, I'm dreaming. Yes, I must be. This is only somethings that would happen in my worst nightmare. So I have to be dreaming.
I pinched my arm, hard, to wake myself up. I closed my eyes and counted to three before I stopped pinching myself.
I opened my eyes and I was extremely disappointed. I was still standing in the same spot I was. Annabelle was staring at me weirdly. "What is wrong with you? You're acting weird." She said with her eyes squinted at me.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Why would you ask that?" I said quickly, putting my hands at my waist and taking deep breaths through my nose.
"I thought you'd be excited." Annabelle looked sad now and I pitied her that I'd half-dragged her into my mess. But she didn't know. She will never know.
She won't know how I ran away from the only boy I've ever loved because of some stupid sickness and my mother. She will never know what I went through for two years just because of a stupid mistake.
How could she know? Nobody knew how I felt when I walked out of the tour bus for the last time with my luggage, breathing in the cold air that stayed cold in my soul for two years.

But I'm getting better. He was a distracting from what was important. I'm not getting distracted again. I can't. I have too much that I want to do. I'm going to UCLA to pursue my dreams and live in America for good and have the time of my life everyday.

I can't stop now because I'm moving too fast.

A/N: wowowowowowo okay byeeee🐳

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