Chapter 15

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  To say that this Caspar Lee is attractive would be an understatement. He had golden blonde hair with the cutest dimples. He was smiling like a dork and waving.
   I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing at his awkward behavior. He reminded me of that Spongebob episode where he tries to be normal.

  I barely paid attentions as Josh introduces everyone to Caspar. I was too focused on the empty chair beside me. Would he sit there? I sure hope so. Finally, he came around next to me and pointed to the chair. "Is this seat taken?" He asked in a British accent maybe even cuter than Harry's.
   "No, all yours." I gestured frantically. Stop being so awkward! I scolded myself. Don't you dare mess this up.

  "I'm Brinley, Louis' sister." I held out a hand for him to shake.
    "Hi Brinley. That's a lovely name." Caspar complimented me. I blushed a bit and we shook hands. Caspar's hands reminded me of days where I would stay home in my pajamas and cuddle up by the fire. Safe and warm.
    "So how do you know Josh?" I asked, pulled my hair over my shoulder.

  "Well, I'd met him at a pub one night and just kind of clicked." He explained. I smiled and nodded.
A waiter came over and took our orders for drinks and food. I ordered some fish thing. I don't really know what it was, I was just hungry.
Caspar and I were chatting happily over the span of the whole dinner. "Wait so you make YouTube videos?" I laughed at his funny stories.
He nodded. "It's not much of a real job but it's pretty fun." Then he launched into a story about his roommate Joe had pranked him by putting multiple hidden alarm clocks in his room.
He's a really nice guy and very funny. Not to mention his great hair.

   I took a break from making friends with Caspar by turning to Harry to talk to him. "Being cheery, huh?" Harry muttered grumpily.
  I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm just being nice. Do you have a problem with me trying to make him his feel welcome at a table full of famous people?" I shot back. Harry fell silent, picking at his food with his fork and tossing it around. He didn't even look at me. "Oh, cold shoulder? How mature." I huffed I don't even know what he's mad about. I didn't do anything wrong. I snuck a look at Louis. He smiled at me. Louis doesn't have any problems with it! Why should Harry? He's not my brother.
   I didn't even notice Luke almost sawing his plate in half.

Luke's POV:

   "She's been talking to him all night." I muttered in Calum's ear, keeping my eyes trained on Brinley and Caspar, who was giving me a weird vibe. Like she had just walked into a time share trap.
   "So? You jealous, bro?" He asked back with his eye brows raised and a smug look on his face. I blushed and looked away.
"No! Why would I be jealous of her? We aren't even friends and I don't like her." I told my best friend and went back to twirling around my spaghetti.

I heard a loud laugh come from her, across the table from me. Caspar himself was watching her and laughing lightly too. He saw me and his eyes went wide and he looked down. I drew my head back in confusion. I hadn't even realized that I'd been giving him the stank eye. Why don't I make people laugh like that? Did he ask her out on a date?

I shook my head, like I as shaking off all the thoughts of Brinley. I don't even like her. Why am I so jealous?

Finally, the dinner ended and it was time for the show. We had preformed easily and well. Nobody forgot lyrics or messed up chords. Ashton was amazing as usual. He puts in so much effort and still stay happy. One Direction was performing and I saw Caspar sitting on a couch backstage. Ashton went over and sat on a couch next to him.
"So, your name is Caspar right?" Ashton asked, folding his arms on his knees and fixing his bandana.
Caspar looked up and grinned a bit. "Yeah. Ashton and Luke?" He guessed. We both nodded and I forced a friendly smile on my face.

"You guys are really good. I like your music." He complimented us. Ashton and I thanked him.
"So where are you from?" I asked him, trying to avoid awkwardness.
"I'm originally from South Africa but I lived in Australia then moved to London." He said. I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying If you're from Africa, then why are you white?

Ashton and Caspar spun off the conversation and talked about random things. Siblings, celebrities, music, anything they could think of. I got bored and walked over to where Michael was lurking.

"Got tired of Mr. Cheery over there?" Michael said, peeling his eyes off of the stage where One Direction was performing Kiss You. I shrugged and crossed my arms, declining against the black wall.
   "Just a bit. I'm getting a fake vibe from him." I stated. Michael nodded.
   "Me too. He's too cheesy to be true." He said to me. "Besides, everyone at that dinner table knew you were jealous of her talking to him. Soon enough, you're gonna have to grow the balls to ask her out or else he will."

A/N: Michael knows all. Have a happy day y'all! This is a special Christmas chapter just for you! Btw, happy birthday to my kitten Louis. He's so grown up now. ILYASM okay byyyeee🎄

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