Chapter 1

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"Anna are you okay?" My dad asked watching me run up to my room.

I had enough of all this bull shit! I dunno what I did to deserve all of this!

"Annabelle what's wrong?" My dad asked standing in my doorway.

"Nothing dad. I just wanna be left alone." I said with my head buried in my pillow. My face hurts so bad, I have all these cuts and bruise's form getting jumped after school.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." My dad said walking towards me.

I looked up he was by my bed now. "Oh my, Annabelle." He said. I started crying even harder when he sat down and pulled me in his arms. He planted kisses all over my forehead.

"Why do they do this to you?" He asked quietly.

My dad knows everything that's been happening at school an in my life. Mostly because I tell him everything. He cares and helps me with all my problems as best as he can. But today he realized this was getting worse and more serious than it has ever been. It kills my dad to see me like this. I'm the only child and due to that I'm his little princess even though I'm 16years old. But I am a major daddy's girl.

"I'm home." We heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Come on princess, we need to have a little family meeting." My dad said helping me up and leading me downstairs.

When we came downstairs we met my mom in the living room where she was taking her coat and heels off.

"Oh I was wond-" My mom stopped when she saw my face.

"Oh lord what happen to you?" She asked rubbing my face gently.

"I...I got jumped after school." I mumbled

"What did you do?" She asked.

"Excuse me? You think this is my fault!?" I asked looking at her surprised and mad.

"Well darling you had to have done something for them to get so angry that they decided to jump you." She said.

"This is not my fault! I did nothing! I didn't ask them to do this! I don't deserve to get bullied all the damn time! I don't deserve to get jumped for no reason either! You already knew this was happening to me!" I yelled.

She got me mad. How could all this be my fault!? How dare she say that.

"Yeah I know! I hear bout it ever fucking day! And I'm getting sick and tired of it!" She yelled.

"Excuse you! Your getting tired of it! Then why haven't you helped to try and make it stop!?" My dad was getting pissed you could tell cause his face was turning red.

"I don't like the way your talking to my daughter! It's not her fault at all that all this is happening to her!" My dad said.

"Your daughter? You mean our daughter! 'Cause I'm pretty sure she came out of my vagina!" My mom yelled back.

"No! I mean my daughter! I don't care if she came out of you or not! Your never there for her when she needs a mom to talk to! You always ignore her!"

"Well I'm sorry I work all the damn time!" My mom yelled.

"And what I don't? 'Cause I have a job to and I still am there for her! You know what I'm done! I'm done with all your bullshit! Annabelle go upstairs and pack your bags we're leaving."

"No the hell your not! Stay right there Annabelle! You can't fucking take my child aways from me!" My mom yelled

"Oh yes the fuck I can! Now go pack your stuff princess."

"And where do you plan on taking her?" My mom asked.

"We're going to Flordia. I'll send you the divorce papers when we get there."

"What!? Divorce papers!?" My mom said. She had tears in her eyes you could tell she was holding them back.

"Yes. Divorce papers. I let this go on to long and I think it's time we get a divorce." My dad said and with that he went up stairs to pack his bags.

I heard the rest of it from my room. I kinda felt bad for mom. But I was happy that I was finally leaving this place. Yeah I was gonna miss my mom, but it was finally time for me to leave this hell hole!

I didn't have much to pack. I just had to pack my clothes and my shoes which where pretty nice due to the fact that we weren't that rich. And I packed my makeup and nail polish.

*Beep* *Beep*

"Come on Annabelle the cab is here!"

"Coming dad!"

"Anna baby, don't go please. Stay....Stay with me."

"No mom...I can't stay here another day or I'll go crazy. I hate it here!"

"Your gonna regret this you little bitch!" She gave me a rude glare she looked like the killers off of the movies.

I gave her my fearful look and ran downstairs to the cab.

"You got everything!" My dad asked.


"Well then lets go kiddo. Get in the car."

The cab driver grabbed our bags and put them in the trunk while we got settled in the car.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked.

"The airport please." My dad said smiling at me.


"Annabelle we're here. Come help me get the bags." My dad was saying while shaking me. I didn't realize I fell asleep. I got up and got out the car.

"Thank you sir." My dad said to the cab driver handing him a $20.

"No problem. Have a nice day." The cab driver said tipping his hat.

"Come on princess we better hurray up, before we miss our flight."

I nodded my head and got the bags. I didn't really feel like this was happening it all felt like a dream. But the sound of it all made me smile.


"That's us come one sweetie we gotta hurray." My dad said grabbing my hand. I didn't really like when he treats me like I'm 5, differently when we are out in public.

When we got on the plane we found our seats and sat down.

"Dad, how exactly did you get us plane tickets so fast? And the house in Flordia?" I asked. This been on my mind ever since we left the house

"I've had it all planned and set up before hand. I was just waiting for the perfect moment." He said.


I looked out the plane window I seen it was raining. I put in my headphones and started slowly drifting off to sleep to the sound of Mindless Behavior and the soft tap of the rain.


and with that I feel asleep.


"Honey wake up we're here!" I heard my dad say in my sleep. I opened my eyes and he was smiling at me with the sun reflecting off his face.

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