Chapter 10

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~Anna P.O.V~

It was still dark. I went with I passed out. But I could here his voice.

Jacob..Jacob was here.

Jazelle said his name so he had to be here!

Why couldn't I see him!? Why did I have to be in the dark like always!?

After a while of just laying on the cold tile floor someone picked me up.

Was it him? Did Jacob pick me up?

I felt the couch come under my body. My head was on his lap.

Ugh! I wanna see him what was happening!? My eyes weren't opening. Maybe I was drugged? But I didn't eat or drink nothing when we got to Ray's house.

Someone was shaking me. I felt it but why didn't I wake up then? Damn something was really wrong with me. Did someone get in my head? Someone did this to me!

'Anna!?' It was his voice. Or was it?

'Anna baby get up.' Yes yes it was his voice. He really is here!


'Yea. I'm right here just open your eyes.'

Like I can. I already tried. Well I think I did. Or maybe I didn't. Well here it goes ill try.

I opened them slowly. My vision was kind of blurry. After a while it became clear an I seen his face.

"Jacob!?" I said getting up. I wrapped myself around him. I didn't wanna let go. I inhaled his scent. He smelt so good. His hair was kind of messy from this morning. I started crying. I was so happy.

"Shhh. Anna I'm here it's okay." He said stroking my hair an rocking from side to side.

"I-I thought you where gone."

"I got away an I'm here now."

"Please don't leave me again." I said tears still Cingular out my eyes.

"Hah Anna I didn't leave you I would never do that." He said I scooted off of him an sat on the couch one of my legs was still on his lap.

"Now explain. Tell me why they came an took you." I stopped crying a wiped my face clear of tears. I wanted to look serious an sound just as serious. Cause I deserve to know what's happening and why.

"Anna." Was all he said. I could tell by the tone of his voice and the look on his face he didn't want to talk about it. But I needed an wanted to know I can't stay in the dark. And he can't keep secrets from me. That's not gonna work.

"No Jacob I'm serious tell me. I don't care of you think it's best that I don't know. I want to know!"

We all froze an got quiet cause there was banging at the door. Who could it be? No one we no because this isn't how people be knocking this person is banging on the door as if their trying to make the door go down...

Could it be them. The people that took Jacob from me at his house?

"Jacob that better not be them." Ray said looking at Jacob with a serious face.

Jacob got up an walked to the window. His face changed really quit.

"How did they find me?" He look so confused. He walked over to me.

"Their here?" It was a stupid question cause I already knew the answer. He just nodded his head. "But.....but they can't take you. No! I'm not gonna let them." Tears where forming in my eyes making it kind of hard to see. They can't take him not again. Why can't they just leave him alone. What did he do to have people come an take him? What isn't he telling me?

"Anna they're gonna take me. We can't stop them."

"No. No that's not true. Their out numbered. There's 5 of us an only 2 of them."

"Anna there's 3 of them this time. An their way stronger then us." He took my face in his hands making me look at him. The tears were burning up in my eyes waiting to rush out. "Anna I love you so much. I promise if I come back me an you. Me an you will go far away."

"Jacob." I was trying so hard to stay strong and to fight back my tears. My vision was blurry cause of them. Then they finally came racing down my face. To hard to hold back.

"Shh." He kissed me. I knew it was gonna be our last kiss for a while. Our last kiss until I see him again. So I wrapped myself around him tightly. I felt our love for each other flowing around us. Wrapping us up. It was our blanket of love. That soon would rip when the people would take him away from me an then I would be cold.

Then it was all over. They busted down the door.

"Aye man this my house. You can't just walk up in here like that." Ray said getting all up in their face.

"Move." One of them said I'm guessing he was probably the one in charged. And by the looks of it he wasn't gonna let anyone get in the way of taking Jacob.

"Nigga this my house." Ray said.

They pushed him out the way he fell to the ground.

"Hank get him." The man that looked like he was in charged said to another guy next to him. Pointing to Jacob. "An this time don't let him beat you up."

"Jacob." I said looking at him scared. My heart was racing rapidly I could hear it in my ears.

"Shh. Anna it's gonna be okay. I love you." He said giving me another kiss the last kiss."Craig take Anna."

The blanket of love was tearing.

"No! Let go of me! Jacob!" I said screaming. I started kicking.

"Anna stop!" Craig said.

"Please! Please just leave him alone!" I yelled at the people. They didn't listen.

Hank the guy that got told to get Jacob grabbed him. He didn't even fight him he just stood there an letted Hank take him. Another dude the third one went to the other side of Jacob to make sure he didn't do anything.

"Jacob!" I yelled. He turned around and looked at me. The tears were just running freely down my cheeks now. I finally got out of Craig's hold an ran after him. I wasn't going to let these blanket of love get ruined.

"Anna stay!" He yelled at me. I heard Craig running after me. Before I reached Jacob Craig grabbed me.

They were out the door. In the car.

Then gone....

Craig was still holding me we were on the floor. I was crying harder. He was gone again.

I still felt the blanket of our love it was torn. It hurt. It was cold.Now I know how Bella felt on Twilight.


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