Chapter 12

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'It was pitch black dark. I raised my hand to my face to see if I could see it but I couldn't. That's how dark it was. An that made me sacred. I started walking with my hands moving in front of me. I was trying to find a wall. Then I found it, it was cold an a little wet.

"AHHH!" I jumped at the sound of someone's scream. I had no clue where I was but all I knew was it wasn't a good place to be if someone was screaming. "AHH! STOP STOP!" it was a guys voice. Jacobs! I started walking faster toward his voice. Someone was hurting him an I was going to stop it. It was quiet.

I heard someone walking. Then a door closing. I walked faster. Then I seen the light. Light was seeking through the bottom crack if the door.

'Jacob!?' I thought. I hoped he heard me. I needed to know if that was him behind the door I was so scared.

"Annabelle!?" I heard my name. It was him! It really was him! I walked to the door an look to see if anyone was coming. I grabbed my phone out an shined the light on the door an found the door knob. It was locked an I didn't have a key.

"Shit!" I whispered. I look around for another way in then I shined my phone up to the ceiling there was my way in a air vent.

'Jacob I'm here.'

"Anna." I heard him say out loud again. He didn't know I was in his head.

'Shh. Imma get you out.' I shined my phone light around to see if there was something to climb on. A chair was sitting there by the door.

"Perfect." I said grabbing the chair an placing it under the vent. I opened it. Then I heard someone coming. I quickly pulled my self in the vent then closed it before they came. I waited. It was the two guys from Ray house the same guys that took Jacob, Hank an some other guy. They went to the door an opened it. Then they both dragged Jacob by each side out the door.


"Annabelle." He said looking around. He look sick. I quickly opened the vent dropped down on the chair.

'Shh.' I thought to Jacob putting a finger on my lips. He nodded. His feet was dragging so I knew I was gonna have to carry him out. I took the chair.

"Aye yo! Hands off my boyfriend!" I yelled they both turned around. And I hit Hank with the chair in the face. He dropped Jacob an fell. The other guy put Jacob down an came at me. I took the chair an hit him in the gut. Then turned it around so the legs where on my tummy an rammed it in his junk. He screamed and curled up holding his stuff. "Told you to take your hands off my boyfriend." I said stepping over him an going to Jacob. "Come on let's go." I said swinging his arm around my shoulder I put my hand around his waist and pulled him up.

We started walking towards where I came from when I was hit in the back. I fell Jacob went down with me. "Ahh!" I screamed tears came out my eyes.

Then I felt a foot stepping on my leg. I heard a crack. "AHHH!" I scream I turned over my leg was throbbing I was crying harder now. My leg was broke. "Ahh. Shit!" It hurt so bad. Then * BANG* *BANG* a gun went off. I felt blood on me. But it wasn't mine. I took my phone an pointed it at Jacob. He was laying there life less blood coming out of his head.

"NOO! NOO ! JACOB!" I screamed. He was dead. My heart fell to my feet my eyes face burning from the tears coming out of my eyes. He was gone. An this time he wasn't coming back. "JACOB!" I scooted closer to him. And wrapped his arm around me. I laid my head on his chest. Where his heart was no longer beating it was still silent.

"Just a tiny pain,
Three days of heavy rain,
Three days of sunlight
Everything will be all right."

I sang over an over through tears. It was a song my parents would sing to me whenever I got hurt it would always make me feel better. But this wasn't for me I sang it for Jacob. I wasn't going to feel better ever again. I heard someone breathing. I closed my eyes. An *Bang* they shit me. Blood slowly came out of me. I knew then I was gonna die right here from lost of blood. An I didn't mind. As long as I was with Jacob.

"I love you Jacob." I said then closed my eyes.'

I jolted awake. I was sweating. I started crying. It was just a dream. I was still alive. An that means Jacob is still alive somewhere out there.

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