Chapter 3

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"Ughh! Shutup damn!"


"Fine I'm up!" I said hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock.

I was having a great dream and of course my alarm clock never fails to ruin it.

I stood by my bed for a while still tired. Then I remembered that I had school. That woke me right up.

I went in my bathroom turned on the shower took my clothes off an got my towel to rap around my self while I was waiting for the hot water. While I was waiting I went in my closet and grab my black victoria secret bra an boy boxers. I placed them on my bed and then took my shower.


After I put my bra and boxers on and I was all lotion up I went to my closet to find the outfit I was gonna wear.

I decided to go with a pair of black skinny jeans, my sweater shirt that I got from my birthday, with a white scarf and some brown boots. I decided just to wear my hair in a bun since I was having a bad hair day. I brushed my teeth than went downstairs and grabbed my brown bag. I slide my phone,wallet and a snack in it.

While I was getting my keys I notice a note on the front door from my dad.

"Hey princess, I'm sorry that I'm not there with you for your first day of school. But I had to leave for a business trip. I probably wont be back for 5 weeks.

I left you some money on the table don't forget to grab that. It's so you can go shopping for some new clothes.(; I already went grocery shopping bought all your favorites, so you wont have to worry bout food.

Well I love you princess and I hope you have a great day at school.

-Love Dad

P.S I know your gonna make a lot of new friends! (: I'll text you later on tonight."

That made me mad he could have waited for a while then go on a business trip. But of course it was like him to be leaving already.

I ripped the note down an put it in my pocket. Then I quickly went to the table and grabbed the money. I counted it he gave me $900. I doubt I'll use it all. I put it in my wallet and walked out the house locking it up behind me.

I was unlocking my car when Jaden stopped by my house and called out the window of his car "You need a ride?"

What type of question was that. I know he could see me clearly standing by my car.

"Um no. I already have a ride. But thanks anyways."

"Okay. Well catch you later." He said chucking up the peace sign and driving off with his sister.

I got in my car started it and typed in my schools name into my GPS it said it was 5 miles away.

"I should have took that ride." I said to myself backing out the drive way.


After that long ride I finally got to the school. The parking lot was filled with students. Couples were making out, Boys playing football, Cheerleader practicing and so on.

I found a spot by a black motorcycle the person got there a lil before me cause they still had their helmet on. I stopped my car an got out. The mystery person took the helmet off and it was the one and only afro boy. He looked at me smiled and winked at me then walked away. I blushed and walked away, too.

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