Chapter 29

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Jazelle P.O.V

Anna's dad came home the next day. He came over to my house and asked if I knew where Anna was.

I told him that she was in the hospital in coma right now. I filled him in that she was pregnant and bout everything that was happening.

He was shocked.

He only said one thing.

"I need to see her now !"

I nooded my head grabbed my keys and took him to the hospital to see his daughter.

When we got there she still wasn't awake. When he seen her he started crying on the floor. It was to much for him to take in.

I felt bad. He left for a while for a business and when he came back he found out that his daughter was in coma and pregnant.

"Is she gonna be okay ?" he asked through tears.

"The doctor said that we need to give her some time, and eventually when she ready she'll wake up."

"How far pregnant is she ?"

"Umm 2months bout to go on 3."

"The baby won't make it if she dyes." I nodded my head.

"My poor princess. Why did this have to happen to her !? " he started crying some more bending over the bed and touching her hand. He stared praying.

I stepped out to give him some privacy. I had a text message.

😷 Jaden : I found them !

Me : Omgosh really !?

😷 Jaden : YESS i'll take a picture & show you.

Me : Thank you so much Jaden !

😷 Jaden : ehh no problem... y'all want help going to get him ?

Me : No I think we got it ! thanks so much !

😷 Jaden : okay well talk to you later by.

Me : by

I was so happy we really found Jacob ! I got the picture an started crying. I ran back to the room.

Anna's dad wasn't there anymore I didn't even see him leave. I walked over to her an touched her cheek.

"Anna. Anna we found him. Jaden found where Jacobs at. Where gonna go get him today." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Everything will be fine once we get him. I promise we won't let anything else happen to him or you. You just make sure to stay strong and to get through this. We love you Anna."

I got up an left. I called Ray an told him the news.

"Make sure everyone ready, cause we're getting him today." I said through the phone walking to my car. I was in my serious mode.

"Okay. Jazelle ?"

"Yeah ?"

"I love you." I stopped. There was a long silent pause for awhile.

"I love you to Ray. See you soon" I hung up an drove off. I really did love him no matter how much I said I didn't. I still did deep down. But that wasn't on my mind right now.

What I really was worried about was

1. Getting my brother back

2. Anna getting out of coma

3. Making sure everyone was safe

And no one was gonna stop me till all this was done.

I was ready for anything that got in the way.


Anna P.O.V

I didn't know what happen but I wasn't with Jacob anymore. I was laying on the floor in a hospital or what I think was a hospital.

I walked around for a while them I seen my dad.

My dad ! He was back from his business trip ! I quickly ran up to him an have him a hug.

Actually I was hoping to give him a hug but when I tried he just went right through me.

"Dad ! dad !"

He didn't hear me. He just kept walking. I followed after him. He turned into a room with a bed. Jazelle was in there sitting down in a chair.

"Jazelle what's going on ?"

She didn't look at me or answer me. She just talked to my dad and told him what was going on. Filling him in on stuff. I looked over at the bed they where standing by. Someone was laying in it.

I walked over.

It was me.

I was the person in the bed. I look like I was sleeping but I was in coma.

"Omgosh ! I'm a ghost !"

It made sense now why my dad or Jazelle didn't hear me. Why my dad don't give me a hug. I wasn't visible.

"Wait does that mean I'm dead !?"

No I couldn't be dead. I just couldn't.

I was pregnant. I look at myself laying peacefully in the bed. I couldn't be dead I was breathing. My heart rate monitor was still beeping. So I wasn't dead.

"But if I'm not dead then why am I a ghost ?"

"Because you have to make a choice if you want to stay on earth or die."

Some voice said.

"Who's there ?"

There was no answer.

"Okay. What if I want to wake up ?"

"Then lay down on your body on the bed thats what it's missing you."

"That's all I have to do ?"

"Yes. Then you'll wake up."

"O-okay. Thanks. By now."

"By Anna."

I looked around the room Jazelle an my dad was gone. Then Jazelle walked back in.

"Anna. Anna we found him. Jaden found where Jacobs at. Where gonna go get him today." She kissed me on the cheek. "Everything will be fine once we get him. I promise we won let anything else happen to him or you. You just make sure to stay strong and to get through this. We love you Anna." Then she walked off. I was so happy ! they finally found Jacob ! they where gonna go get him !

This was good ! I wanted to be awake when he got here. If he came an visit me.

"Okay Anna here we go." I said then laid down on my body. I slipped in.

I felt everything happening my blood moving through my veins my heart beating. I felt the bed under me, the warm blanket covering me. The light shining in the room so bright. I heard the beeping of my heart on the monitor, and my slow breathes. Someone walked into my room Then I opened my eyes slowly an turned my head.

It was Tonya.


Ahah another cliffhanger !!

*does evil laugh*

I just had to y'all walked right into it an didn't even know it !!



'In Love With The bad Boy' is coming to a need though ! (/.\) I wonder what's gonna happen next !?

Nigga thinking hella hard !

Is Tonya gonna kill Anna ?

Ion know, you'll just have to wait for the next update find out !

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