Chapter 22

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~Jazelle P.O.V~

Me and Ray left to go and get some more information bout where Jacob was taken to this time.

We went to our trusty friend Caleb, also my ex boyfriend. He been tracking people down for a while. He was in some police class or some shit that taught him how to do it.

We always went to him.

"Aye Caleb !" Ray said.

"RayRay my nigga wassup! Jazelle you looking good as always." He said giving Ray dap an winking at me.

"Lol thanks." I said blushing a little. "We need you to do us a favor."

"Of course what is it ?"

"The usual Jacob got took again we need to get him back. Blah blah blah." Ray said waving his hand in the air like it was nothing. It was the usual we got use to it happening.

"Haha damn that boy always get taken. Shit when they gonna leave him alone !? I got y'all."

"Probably never till they finally kill him." Ray said shrugging his shoulders.

"Thanks Caleb." I said smiling. I'm not gonna lie I still have feeling for Caleb I mean come on he has light brown eyes , he's light skinned I call him my little Carmel bar, he has some nice lips nice body, sexay ass voice, he bout 5'9 shit he's just so cute !

"Y'all got the number or something ?" He looked back an forth at me and Ray.

"Yeah, here. That's the number he called his girlfriend Anna on." I handed him a piece of paper.

"Okay. Oh he has a girlfriend ? since when ? is she cute ?" he asked turning to his computer.

"Haha yeah she a cutie she got a nice body. He knew her from his child hood she just like moved here." Ray said laugh. "Bruh when you see her you'll be surprise." Caleb look back at Ray smiling and his eyebrow raised up.

"Umm she's pregnant and she dating my brother, can we not talk about her like that ?" I snapped.

"Hahha damn Jazelle sorry just cause we ain't talking bout you and your fine ass don't mean you have to get all jealous and mad. And she pregnant ! Damn !" Caleb and Ray stared laughing.

"Oh shutup I ain't jealous ! but yeah she just found out like yesterday or something." I blushed.

"Dang. Jazelle when we gonna make us some babies girl ?" Caleb asked smiling.

"Ummm never.." I said

"Hah girl please you know you want this dick ! I know you still have feeling for me, no need to hide it baby, you can get it anytime." He looked at me and wink.

"Hah nigga to bad she mine !" Ray laughed.

"Hahha nigga no the fuck I'm not !" I said laughing.

"Oh so that's how it is ?" Ray said.

"Haha damn !! She got you nigga !" Caleb said dying of laughter.

"Omgosh can we just do this please ?" I said getting inpatient.

"Yeah I'm almost done. Anndd there ! Found it !" he pointed to the screen.

A big red spot was what we saw.

We knew where Jacob was !


~Annabelle P.O.V~

I was at Jadens house his parents or sister wasn't home so we had the while place to ourself .

"Okay do you still have the number ?" he asked sitting at the computer.

I said it out loud to him while he types it in.

"Okay just give me an second." He said. I sat down my feet was hurting from walking. Jadens phone was on the table next to me and it vibrated -he didn't here it but I did- I look at the screen to see who it was.


Tonya ❤ : Is she still coming to you for help ?


I stood up and look at him. He really was working with Tonya. They where right.

"Umm, you know what Jaden I'm tired I think imma go back home now." I said walking to the door.

"Wait Anna I'm almost done just stay." He said looking up at me.

"No I think I should really go. Just text me what you find out."

"I got it ! I found where he's at !" He said. "Come here look !" I was a little hesitant but I walked over and seen on the screen a big red spot.

It was growing big and small over and over again.

"Jacob." I whispered my eyes where tearing up, my throat started getting hot I was trying to hold back the tears.

I found Jacob. I know where he is !

~Phone P.O.V~


Tonya ❤ : We moved to a different location. So if you track down that phone I found that he used we aren't there anymore.

Tonya ❤ : But shhh... let them think they found him. They never will...


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