Chapter Six

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After school was over, I waited for Zane to come get me. I sat outside and chatted with one of my close friends, Aria. "Aria, I'm just not even sure. He's so perfect that's it's just kind of crazy."

She laughed. "Girl after everything, you deserve him. And as long as he's being good to you then I'm okay with it." She gave me a hug. "Looks like my ride is here. What time do you go to work tomorrow?"

"Same time. Five."

"Great. Lets hangout? Maybe a short double date to an early dinner?" She said as she started to walk off.

"Sounds fine. I'll text you and see how Zane is feeling."

"Alright. Love you Pha!" She was nearly in her moms car before I could tell her I loved her too. Aria had been a close friend of mine since freshman year. I had came into school a month late because I was coming from a different district and she was one of my first friends. All the other girls kind of gave me a snarl and mean looks, besides the ones I knew already. Aria really stood out and came to talk to me. She was sweet and down to earth and we instantly clicked. I still remember my first day. It was basically horrible, but Aria helped me out a lot by being my personal tour guide. That was something I loved most about her. She was always willing to help someone out and put others before herself. She wasn't doing too well at home though. And she just wouldn't let me help her out. I mean, I get it. She doesn't want to be a 'charity case' or a burden on me and my dad, but she's one of my best friends and helping her out with educational or material things is the least I could do for her as a thanks for everything she's helped me through.

*Aria's POV*

I looked back at Pha as she sat waiting for Zane. Pharaoh was really the only friend I had that I considered my best friend. I didn't really have 'friends' either. I hang out with Pha and her friends all the time, but me being from a different social class makes them treat me different. Don't get me wrong, they're all decent, but I can just tell that some of them just hang with me because I hang with Pha. She helps me out as much as I'll let her, and that's not much. I don't want to take from Pha or make things awkward. I'll work hard for everything I get in life. My mom is a recovering drug addict married to an alcoholic. They have two kids together. Eight year old twins. Sadie and Cedric, my angels. I promise that as soon as the state lets me, I'm taking them under my own wings.

"Momma, I've decided where I'm going to college. And I was wondering if Sade and Ced could come with me for the first couple of months to keep me company?" I spoke slowly and nervously to my mom.

"Where the hell are you going? You know I need you to stick around and help."

I sighed. "I plan on going to Atlanta and studying at Spellman, if I get the scholarship. And momma I know you need the help. That's why I'm offering to take the twins with me for a few months until you guys can get back on your feet."

"Spellman." She laughed. "You actually think you're good enough? I'll think about it." And with that she turned the radio of her old beat up Toyota to the loudest it could go. I guess that was the end of it. I'll prove everything to her. I will get accepted into Spellman with a full ride scholarship and I will get legal guardianship of my brother and sister if she doesn't just give them to me. She'll see.

-Hours Later-

*Pharaoh's POV*

"Do you need help with anything sweetheart?" I asked a sweet looking girl that was wandering at my job. She couldn't have been any older than five or six.

"I'm just looking for a dolly."

"Oh, those are right over here. Where's your mommy?" I asked calmly. The girls face went stale. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

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