Chapter Twenty-Six

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-Two Months Later-

I was just laying on Zane's chest watching Shutter Island, one of my favorite movies. I dipped one of my nacho cheese Doritos into the sour cream and took a bite. Yes, sour cream and Doritos. It was one of my many pregnancy cravings. It's not that bad actually. I'd rather eat this than my usual cravings like apples and peanut butter, bananas smashed in apple sauce, or carrots dipped in cottage cheese. Major had me eating things that I've never liked. I don't eat carrots, apples make me feel sick, bananas are mushy, and cottage cheese? Really? It's spoiled milk for crying out loud. Major gets what Major wants though. I finished chewing my chip and looked up at Zane. "Lets go out tonight..."

"Where are we going to go?"

I shrugged. "I don't know... Out."

"It's cold out there tonight. I don't want you to get sick."

"I can handle a little bit of wind babe." I giggled.

"Can we just stay in? Please?" I sighed. Zane never let's me have any fun. Like honestly. I'm nine months pregnant, not on my death bed. I don't want to go anywhere that will put our baby's life in jeopardy, I just want to go somewhere fun. An arcade or something. It's only 7:00. But no, I have to stay in like an old person. I just got up and started to walk away. "Where are you going?"

I was already midway up the stairs. "To Major's room." I called out. I didn't want to watch that movie anymore and since I couldn't go anywhere I figured I might as well finish getting Major's room together. I put all the diapers and shoes in his closet on the shelves and hung up his other clothes. He already had way too many clothes and newborn shoes. I don't know what I'm going to do with this stuff when he grows out of it. I sighed to myself. "I should have made Zane do this work." I said out loud to no one in specific. I went over to his closet and pulled open all the pullout dresser drawers. I put the socks, bibs, and plain onesies in his underwear drawer and then shuffled through his other two drawers. One was filled with pacifiers. I'm not too thrilled about that. I don't want him to get stuck on pacifiers because it's hard to break kids of that habit. I shut the pacifier drawer and started to fill up the third drawer with essentials like brushes, combs, q-tips, nail clippers, snot suckers, and all the other stuff. Then I moved on to an empty shelf that I dubbed his 'bath shelf'. I put the baby tub up on the shelf above it and then put all his towels, soaps, and lotions on the 'bath shelf'. Then I moved on to his blanket shelf, toys, and so on. I spent an hour getting that room together, then made up the crib and I was done. I sat in the rocking chair and just admired the room. All of the walls were black, except the wall his crib was against. That wall was black and white vertical stripped. All the furniture was cherrywood and had a cursive 'M' engraved on them. This was all my dad and Zane's work. If it was up to me his room would be bright. Yellows, greens, and blues everywhere. It was nice, but way too sophisticated for a newborn baby. They had even added new white carpet. What baby room needs white carpet? If anything, he needs cherrywood floors too. I shook my head looking at the only color in the room. Red. The curtains were red, Major's crib sheets were red, his crib bumpers were white, and he had a customized Chicago Bulls crib blanket. The bed for me is red too. I sat back and started to drift off to sleep. I couldn't sleep, though. I just want to be laying next to Zane right now. I left out of Majors room and headed for the stairs. When I got to the first step I felt something going down my leg. Something wet. Did my water just break!? "Uh, babe?" I yelled down the stairs.

"What's up?"

"I think my water just broke! That or I peed on myself!"

"What!?" I heard Zane running towards the stairs and he was standing in front of me. "What do you need me to do?"

"Bring the car around front. I'm going to change my pants and grab the hospital bag."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"You're not wearing shoes!" I called out to Zane. "Or a shirt!" I laughed. He was so nervous. I hadn't seen him like this since we went to see Mama G for the first time. I was just staying calm.

"Oh shit!"

"I'll grab you something. Go..." I waddled into our room and changed my panties and put on some yoga pants and my shiny pink Toms. Then I grabbed the hospital bag, socks and shoes for Zane and a plain white long sleeve tshirt. I was only wearing a camisole, so I got my Nike jacket and grabbed one for Zane, then headed to the car. My dad was doing business tonight, so I would just call him. I got in the car and we drove in comfortable silence to the hospital. I could see it all over Zane's face though, he was nervous and probably just now realizing that he's going to be a daddy. I broke the silence. "Don't be so nervous, baby. You don't have to push this baby out of you." I giggled.

"I know... I'm, I'm just... I'm going to be a father."

"And a good one." I said reassuring him. He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You think so?"

"I know so." I rubbed his shoulder and we went back to the silence.

As soon as we pulled up to the hospital, Zane went to get a nurse. They got me to the back as soon as they could and confirmed that I was in fact in labor. I had been in labor all day according to the doctor. I wasn't having any contractions, so I hadn't even known. I could have had Major at home because I wasn't having contractions. I laughed in my head at that thought. That would have been so crazy.

Zane called up my dad, Aria, Quvon, Rocky, and Mama G. He just figured she would tell Dareus. I made him call Dareus personally though. Dareus and I made up. We're still not back to normal, but we're friends again. He finally accepts my relationship and is being there for me. I'm glad all of our fighting is over.

I talked and joked around with my people until it became time for me to push. Zane, being the father, was the only one allowed in the room. The whole time I was in labor I only felt faint contraction pains, but now pushing Major out, I feel like death is about to come over me. I fought the urge to cry the whole time. "Okay, almost there. 1... 2... 3... Push!" I pushed as hard as I could. I need to get out of this pain now. "We've got a head! Good job Pharaoh." Dr. Mead said. I just wanted her to tell me to push and be quiet. The less talking she did, the faster this would go. I caught a glimpse of Zane in between pushes, he looked like he could just pass out. He was standing behind Dr. Mead, almost backed into the corner. The look on his face was priceless. If I wasn't giving birth right now, I'd definitely be snapping a picture of it. I pushed for the last time and out popped my baby boy. I heard his first cry, it was the most amazing thing to me. The cry of my first born. If the pain didn't make me cry, that sure did. I saw a couple tears welling in Zane's eyes too. Zane cut the umbilical cord and they handed me Major for our mother to child connection. Then they took him to clean him. After all of that, I'm so tired, but too happy to sleep at the same time. I was so filled with joy and exhaustion, I nodded off to sleep as I thought about my baby boy.


Only one more chapter. I'll update that when I wake up though. Thank you to everyone that has kept up with the story. I see that people are actually interested in what's going to happen next, so yes, I will be doing a sequel. I'll post on here later when I start the sequel. I'll try and get three or four chapters to the sequel before actually releasing it. And I'm going to be starting another story called 'Turned Out'. I'll inform you all on both new stories. Thank you!

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Xoxo. CxMall 💋

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