Chapter Twenty-One

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*Zane POV*

Sid came over and sat in the desk chair in front of me. I was scared as hell man. He just saw me tonguing his daughter down, now he wanted to talk. "What's up Sid?" He was just looking at me.

"What's up? That's all you have to say for yourself?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Zane, you were my best worker. You been slipping lately, but I know why."

"I been trying to come through as much as I can..."

"I know. But you love my daughter... I see it. And I don't want her going through this shit anymore. You planning on being there for her until death or what?"

"Yeah. I love Pharaoh, I wouldn't leave her."

"Well then. I trust you on your word. You're out."

"I'm out of what?" I know he wasn't trying to tell me what I think he was. I'm out of the game? I know I'm not the hardcore thug type of dude, but besides ball, the game was all I had. I needed the money, too. Now more than ever. "Are you trying to tell me I'm out of the game?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. And I better not find out you playing on the other side of the fence trying to make a quick dollar. I can't have my daughter having to deal with a man running in and out of her life because he wants to make money. Don't be like me. Go to school, play ball, get a job man."

"Sid, I hear you. I need money though. I don't have time to sit around waiting for jobs to call me right now. I have a baby on the way."

"You see who you talking to? I have that under control until you make it. You living all expenses paid."

"I can't let you do that, Sid. I have to make my own money."

"It's final." He stood up leaving me dumbfound. I was not about to let another man pay for me and my family to live.

"Sid, let me do one last run for you." He sighed and turned back to me.

"Okay. This is a big one. I trust you. Meet up with Rocky, he has the information you need."

-One Hour Later-

"What's up, Rock? Where we headed to?" I dapped Rocky up while getting into the passenger side of his all black Maserati.

"Well, we gotta stop at a couple places. Boss want us to do an exchange and then make the drop." I nodded and sat back.

"Sounds good to me." We rode in silence all the way until we got to our spot. I was thinking about how this would be my last drug deal, but I knew this would bring in some huge stacks, so I don't have to rely on Sid and I could get an actual job to support my girl and baby.

We went in to trap house and did our planned exchange. Everything went smooth with no problems. We got our shit and left. You stick around longer than need be in this business and that could be your ass.

We were driving down the street, windows down, bobbing our heads to Drake- No New Friends. All of a sudden there was an all black Chevy creeping on the side of us. They were on the passenger side. Before I knew it I heard "Tell yo boss he next!" then two loud bangs and I blacked out.


This isn't the best, but it's short and to the point. Next chapter coming soon.

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