Chapter Ten

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*buzz buzz buzz* I woke up to my phone vibrating. Damn. Who's calling me right now? It was nearly one in the morning. I just wanted to be cuddled up with my baby getting sleep for our long already planned shopping trip tomorrow. She always had me carrying some type of bags for her.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was Sid. Oh, business. "Hello?" I yawned, answering the phone.

"Hey, Z. I need you out here to help me with this run. You think you can make it?"

"Uh, yeah, Sid. When do you need me?"

"Right now. I'll send a driver to you and have the private plane ready for you. Make sure you bring some extra attire. I'm going to need you until Monday morning."

"Okay. See you then." I hung up the phone. I felt bad that I had to leave Pharaoh alone. I'm sure she would find someone to hang out with tomorrow though and I would be back before she got out of school Monday. I tapped her. "Baby girl, wake up."

"Yeah?" She turned to face me.

"Your dad needs me in Philly with him. He's sending someone now. Will you be alright baby girl?"

She sighed. "First him, now you. Okay Zane. Be safe. I love you." I kissed her and told her I would be back Monday when she got out of school. She probably hated that I was leaving. Her dad always did it and now that I was getting deeper into the game, I didn't want to do that to her. I got in my car and went straight home. I showered and packed me a couple changes of clothes into my Louis Vuitton backpack. I grabbed my 9, stuffed it in my bag and headed to the car waiting for me.

*Pharaoh POV*

I woke up at around ten in the morning. I went to kitchen made me a bagel with honey nut cream cheese spread and laid back to watch tv. What am I going to do today? Shopping is out of the question now that Zane is away. Actually, no. I'll take Aria out and get her some gifts. She's my best friend, she deserves it. She had recently got the scholarship for Spellman and was graduating second in our class. I got her by .2 on our gpa's.

I dialed her number. She picked up after two rings. "Hey babe!" I said happily to her. "What are you doing today?"

"Nothing I'm just with Quvon as usual." She yawned.

"Well, get up. Get pretty and tell Q you'll see him later. I'm taking you out today and that's final. I'll see you at one?"

She laughed. "Why do you do this to me? Okay Pha. I'll see you then. Bye." We hung up and I went to shower.

I put on my white skinny jeans with gold pockets and my white tight fitting crop top. I put on a loose fitting black button up and my black timbs. My hair was already curly, so I just threw it up into a curly ponytail. Not too much, perfect. I glossed my lips and headed out.

It was twelve thirty so I had just the right amount of time to get my extra surprise for Aria.

I pulled up at her house a little after one, honked the horn and she was running out. "Hey, Ari. You look really pretty babe!" I hugged her. She looked stunning, honestly. She had her long her split in the middle and straightened with curls at the end. She was wearing some studded vintage shorts with a black cutoff tee. "So, I have an extra surprise for you."

"Oh lord. What now Pha? You do too much for me."

"Oh, whatever. You deserve it. I know Quvon is already doing everything, but I'm still going to do for you Aria." I pulled out an envelope. "Anyways, these are for you." I handed the envelope to her. "Open it."

She opened the envelope and her mouth flew wide open. "Oh my gosh! No. Pharaoh, I cannot accept these. Thank you, but no."

"No. You and Quvon are coming to Hawaii with me and Zane after graduation. I was just going to go with my dad, but I want to go to Jamaica with him. So, it's settled." I drove off and headed to the outdoor shopping mall. First we stopped to get our nails done, then shopped for a while, and ended our day off grabbing a bite to eat. It felt good to be spending a day with my girl and not always being cooped up with Zane. I loved him, yes. But I have to admit, we spend entirely too much time together. Maybe this little break will be something nice for us.

I dropped Aria off at about five and decided I need to show my other best friend some attention. I called him. "Hey!"

"Oh, long time no talk." He sounded dull.

"What are you doing Dareus?"

"I'm.. Um.. Nothing." He stuttered over his words. What was wrong with this boy? I just brushed it off.

"Um. Okay. You want to come over? I miss you Dae." That was my nickname for him. He said he didn't really want to get out, but I eventually coned him into coming. I picked him up from his house on my way home. We rode to my house in silence until he finally spoke.

"So, where's your boyfriend?"

I looked at him funny. "He had some business to take care of. We're not talking about him though." I pulled into my driveway and we headed inside. "I'm going to go take a quick shower. This is your home and you know that, so ill be back."

*Dareus POV*

I don't know why I'm at Pha's house right now. I mean honestly, since her and that nigga been dating and I found out Alyssa was pregnant we just haven't been close. I just been trying to grow up and prepare for what's about to happen. I don't know if Alyssa's carrying my child, but as soon as its born I'm getting a test. If its mine, I'm gone be there. If not, that's great because then I can just drop Alyssa like I want to.

Pha walked into the entertainment room where I was and sat on the big circle couch next to me. She crossed her legs and smiled, showing her dimples. She was always so cute when she did. She smelled good as hell too. But I'm not on that. She got who she want. Am I happy about it? No. She asked me to be supportive and chill out though, so I am.

"So, Dareus." She smiled at me. "What has my best friend been up to?"

"Nothing really. Same shit."

"Hoeing?" She laughed. "Smoke and fuck. That's all you ever do."

"I might got a baby on the way." Her face showed complete shock. That made me laugh a little. "Close your mouth girl!"

"Damn, who's the lucky lady?"

"I don't know about lucky. I ain't worried about that girl."

"Don't beat around the bush, Dae. Who is it?"

"Alyssa." I mumbled under my breath. Pharaoh's smile faded then.

"Oh..." She smiled again. "Well, I guess I should tell you then..."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, me and Zane. We made a mistake and I, too, might be about to have a baby."

"But I thought you were a virgin...?" I can't believe she gave up her jewel. And to a drug selling nigga at that. I always told her to keep her box locked and not let anyone get in. She was supposed to meet a lawyer, doctor, somebody that was going somewhere. Not somebody that was following in her dads steps and most likely wouldn't be around. Regardless of the fact that we weren't really talking, I still felt like I had to watch over and protect Pha. Shit. Her mom would not be happy right now. And if her dad knows, how is Zane still alive?

"Hello? Are you listening?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Never mind, just forget about it. Want to watch Life?" She flipped through the channels. She knew Life was one of my favorite movies and she wanted to distract me. What was she trying to hide? I don't know.

"Yeah. Lets watch that." She smiled again and went to grab a cover and dim the lights. She cuddled up to me and eventually started to fall asleep in my arms, just like old times.

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