Chapter Thirteen

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I was excited to be graduating today. I was just ready to give my speech, have my party the next day, and be off to Hawaii with my babies. I mean who wouldn't be excited?

I walked downstairs with my family. They had all came into town from Atlanta, my mom and dad's hometown (they moved to Chicago while my mom was pregnant with me), for my graduation and grad party the day after. I looked around at my family. I loved them to death. I cherished each chance I got to see them. "You look so beautiful, baby. Just like your mama. You're her splitting image." My grandma MiMi smiled at me. I was wearing my floor length white and gold bohemian style strapless flow dress. There was thick gold stitching under the bust. I had on light makeup and red lipstick. My hair was split down the middle, straightened with curls at the end and I added a gold 'crown' with small crosses dangling from it.

I grabbed my cap and gown and headed out the door with my family.

-At the Graduation-

"And now that we've handed out all of our diplomas, we'd like to introduce our valedictorian, Miss Pharaoh Aaliyah Rose Stone." The crowd applauded and I heard some of my loud mouth family and friends hollering for me. They were too much. I took the podium where our principal just was and looked over the crowd. It was so many people and my nerves just started to build up. I nearly forgot my speech.

"Good morning everyone." I smiled. "Class of 2013, today we are here as one. Not only have we gone through the struggles of being a small lost freshman who was unsure of where to go, we've gone through the growth together. It was our job to set the bar high and make big imprints in the path for underclassmen to fill. I think we've done a pretty nice job of that. I look at all of you right now and I see doctors, lawyers, teachers, business men and women. We're in the position, with diplomas in our hands, right now because we are something. Congratulations Class of 2013 and many blessings to your future. This is what we've all been waiting for. To leave here with our heads high and our life standards higher. This is it guys, we made it!" I finished my speech as the realization really set in. We were leaving here. It felt great actually. I let a couple tears fall as I hugged some of my classmates that were going off. I invited them to my gathering. It was definitely going to be packed house at my place tomorrow.

After the ceremony was over, I took some pictures with family and friends and then headed to Zane's. The plan for tonight was to go out and party it up, but with me being pregnant now Zane wasn't having it. He didn't care if I wasn't going to drink or smoke, which I barely do anyways, he did not want me or the baby in any kind of danger. Instead I was just going to chill in with Zane like always. We spent a little time at my house with my family at first, but then I got tired.

At Zane's, I showered and then got comfortable next to him in his bed. I snuggled up in his arms while he flipped through channels. He finally settled for Loiter Squad. I didn't really like this show, but he did so I watched it.

I was nodding off as Zane rubbed my belly. "Why do you keep rubbing my belly?" I laughed at him. "There's no bump and barely even a baby in there."

"Just the fact that that's my seed. I'm excited."

"Honestly, I am too. I'm not excited about getting fat though." He laughed. "And I'm going to make you rub my back and feet when they hurt, so be prepared."

"Whatever you want. Your wish will be my command."

"I'm going to hold you to that, too." I placed my hand on top of his and rubbed his knuckles. "Boy or girl?"


"Do you think it's a boy or a girl? I'm counting on a boy."

"Nah, I want a baby girl." I smiled up at him.

"We'll just have to see, huh? Have any names in mind?"

"Well, if its a boy his name is going to be Pirate."

"His name is going to be what!? We're not naming our child Pirate babe."

"We'll what do you want the name to be?"

"If it's a girl, I want her name to be Ariel or Anastasia. If it's a boy, I want his name to be something powerful. Like King, Major, Cairo or Prince. Something like that."

"I like Major. Major Pirate Carter."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Pirate will not be in the name of any child I birth, babe. I'm sorry, but no. How about something that has to do with your moms name? Her name is Ariana, but I'm sure we could figure something out. For both a girl and boy middle name. But it's going to be a boy, so think of boy names."

"How you so sure?"

"I just know, babe. But do you like those names?"

"The boy name, yes. I don't know about the girls. Ariel? Anastasia? We not Disney baby girl."

I busted out laughing. "You wanted to name the baby Pirate!"

"Pirate is the best name. Strong, fighter, deal maker."

"You forgot thief. Pirate is out of the question." I yawned. "I'm tired. Goodnight." I lifted my head and kissed his lips. Then I drifted to sleep in his arms.


So, I know this chapter was kind of boring. I've hit a bit if a writers block. In the next couple of chapters, I'm going to skip forward a few months so you guys can find out the sex of the baby.

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