Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I woke up early the next morning to Zane and my dad talking about basketball this, football that. Yadiyadayada. "Good morning to you guys too." I said groggily standing up to go to the bathroom. Bad decision on my part. As soon as I stood up, it felt like I had twenty hundred pound weights fish hooked to me. I hope this pain doesn't long last man. "Ugh, Major definitely has your head." I said to Zane. He just laughed and helped me to the bathroom. I finished everything I needed to do and was just ready to get my son and go home.

Right when I was getting back into my bed, the nurse rolled in Major. A smile spread across my face. I let her finish bringing him bedside and then she handed him to me. He was so gorgeous and had his daddy's eyes. For him to not even be a day old, he had a head full of hair too. I shed a tear looking at the beauty Zane and I created. "Have you thought of any names?" The nurse asked me. I just nodded still awing over Major.

"Major Arione Carter." I said proudly.

"It fits him." She said with a smile and walked out. I love his name. Major being a powerful name, giving him something to live up to and Arione -air•ree•on- being in remembrance of Zane's mother, Ariana. I looked down at Major who was now sleeping in my arms, then to Zane and my dad.

"You guys want to hold him?" Zane was the first to say yes. They washed their hands and each shared a turn holding him.

Aria, Quvon, Rocky, Mama G, and Dareus came back to the hospital later that day. I was still tired, so I let them have their time with Major as I slept. Zane could handle things.

*Zane POV*

I let Pharaoh catch up on her rest. She had to stay in the hospital until tomorrow, so I'm just going to stay over night to help her out with Major while she's in here.

Pharaoh had been sleep for a good hour now. I was just enjoying my time with what was basically our family, Aria, Q, Rocky, and of course Sid, and my little man. He looked so much like me and had little dimples. I'm already in love with my son and I'm happy he's here now. There was a knock on the door shaking me out of my thoughts. "I'll get it." I told everyone around me. I walked over to the door and opened it. Before I knew it Sophia's arms were wrapped around my legs.

"Hi Z!"

"Hey Soph. How did you get here?" She pointed to two people behind her that I didn't know. They greeted me with a smile.

"Hi. I'm Celia Brown." A short Hispanic woman said. "This is my husband, Marcus Brown. We're Sophia's adoptive parents." That last part caught me by surprise. I just saw Sophia earlier in the week... Now someone's taking her. "Hello?" Celia waved her hands in front of me.

"I'm sorry. I'm Zane."

"Sophia's told us about you and a Pharaoh?"

"That's my girlfriend. She's over there sleeping."

"Well, we don't want to intervene. Miss Daily told us how connected Sophia and you guys are and that Pharaoh went into labor. We just wanted to bring Sophia by."

"Well, stay. I'll wake up Pharaoh." I went over to Pharaoh to wake her up with Sophia not far behind me. "Baby girl..." I tapped her leg. "Wake up."

"Yeah?" She said still sounding tired. I felt bad for waking her, but now that Sophia is adopted who knows when we'll see her again.

"Sophia's here."

*Pharaoh POV*

I woke up because Zane said Sophia was here. When I opened my eyes she was sitting on the edge of my bed holding Major. It was the cutest thing. I smiled. "You like him Soph?"

"Yeah. He doesn't have cooties does he?"

"Nope. No cooties." I laughed and whispered to her. "He's not like Zane."

"I heard that! Y'all two always trying to put me down..." Zane said fake pouting. I laughed some more before grabbing his hand and kissing it.

"I'm sorry love." I said still kind of laughing. I heard an unfamiliar voice and looked up to see two people I didn't know. There was a short Hispanic woman and a taller black man. I was confused as to why they were here and how exactly they're just invading our personal time. "Um, excuse me?" I cleared my throat and asked politely. The couple came over to me and smiled.

"I'm Celia Brown. This is my husband, Marcus Brown. We're Sophia's adoptive parents. You must be Pharaoh." Adoptive parents? Sophia got adopted? I mean, she's great and this is great for her, but she's my Sophia. I looked at Sophia. She was playing with Major and Zane, they were all smiling. Picture perfect. I looked back to the Browns.

"Will I ever be able to see Sophia after this?"

"Oh, honey, we couldn't keep her from you if we tried. She loves you guys."

"So, I can ask to see her sometimes?"

"Of course. Lets swap numbers so you can keep in touch with her and see her when you'd like."

"Well, we're moving for school, but I'll call her a lot, FaceTime and Skype, all of that good stuff."

"Sounds fine." We exchanged numbers and talked some more. The Browns were actually pretty cool. I'm just happy Sophia is with a good family that can provide for her and she can be with all the time.

Everyone was starting to leave because it was getting late. We said our goodbyes and they went in their way. I wanted Sophia to stay the night so bad. Having her, Zane, and Major with me would be fun. She had to get used to her new room though.

I changed Major and fed him. After I burped him, I rocked him until he fell asleep. I put him into the baby bed and looked over at Zane. He was in the chair next to my bed fast asleep. I giggled at how cute and peaceful he looked and put a cover over him. I kissed his cheek and went to shower. Before I went into the bathroom I took another look at Zane and Major. My boys. My family. I could get used to this.


Well, that's it. The end. It was fun guys! I'll update on this book once I release the sequel. It's going to be called 'Pharaoh: It's All New to Me'... It'll only be a few months or so later into their life, but yeah. How'd you like this chapter? Let me know.

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