Chapter Twenty

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Today is the day that I go and see Mama G. I called her up and asked her if it was okay for me to see her and told her I had a couple surprises for her. "Zane, come on. You don't have to dress to impress Mama G. She's a personality woman." I was sitting on my bed waiting for Zane. He took longer than me to get ready claiming he was nervous and wanted to make a good impression. I told him time and time again that Mama G doesn't judge, nor care about the appearance of others. All she cares about is how genuine the heart is and how truthful a person is. He could walk in her house wearing torn up jeans and wife beater with shoes, no socks. As long as I convinced her that I loved him and he loved me, she would accept it. She'll tell me if something's wrong or she has the odd feeling that old timers get. That's one other thing I love about Mama G. She was straight forward, didn't hold her tongue for nothing, and could spot a lie from a mile away. That's why Dareus is always in trouble, he just can't tell Mama G the truth and what he's really into. I smiled to myself looking back on the past. I remember when Dareus used to play a little too rough with me, I mean straight knocking the wind out of me and me wanting him to be in trouble, I would snitch. Mama G always had my side. It was the funniest thing ever to me. Then when he would do something, not to me in particular, and Mama G could just tell that he'd been into something he shouldn't have been.

"What are you so happy about?" Zane laughed taking me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him.

"Uh, I was just thinking about the past... You look cute." I got up walking to him. "You trying to get a girlfriend today or what?"

"You know I'm looking for her!" He joked. I laughed and grabbed his keys off the dresser, handing them to him. "I'm driving?" I nodded and started to walk out of our room.

I went to find my dad before we left. He was in his office talking on the phone. I looked around while I waited for him to finish. It's been so long since I actually looked around his office. He had pictures of me from when I was first born, to loosing my first tooth, to my first school dance, to now. I looked at my progress, I really am trying to make something of myself. I looked at the other pictures around his office. There were ones of my mom, me and Dareus, me and my dad, and then one of all of us together with Mama G. That day was one I'd never forget. It was right before my mom started to get really sick. We had went on a camping trip and we were all gathered around the fire pit, roasting marshmallows for s'mores. That night was so amazing. I laughed remembering how Dareus burnt every single marshmallow that he put in the fire. I had to roast his marshmallows the whole time we were there. I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me a bit. "What's up sweetheart? Why are you crying?" I was crying? I hadn't even realized and now I'm not sure if they're happy tears or sad ones.

"I'm okay daddy." I said lowly.

"You want to talk? What happened?"

"Nothing, I was just thinking a little too much for my own good." I giggled and wiped my face. "I was just coming to tell you that I'm going to see Mama G to tell her about Zane, the baby, and the move. I haven't talked to her in so long and I'm feeling kind of bad about it."

"Tell her I said hi, alright? And let her know that I'll be by to see her sometime." I nodded. "And sweetheart, I'm sure whatever the reason you weren't going to see her, she'll understand. She knows you're heart and that you wouldn't intentionally keep away from her." He kissed my forehead.

"Thanks daddy." I gave him a hug. "Lets go to dinner tonight? Just me and you for old time sakes."

"You actually want to be seen with this old timer?" I laughed.

"Daddy, don't be silly! You pick the time and place. I'll treat."

"You know I'm not letting you pay, but be ready around seven?"

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