Chapter Seventeen

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*Aria POV*

I don't know where the guys were taking us, but this drive was so long. I had already been sleep for an hour. When I woke up Pharaoh was still sleep and so was Quvon. I just gazed out the window while laying my head on Quvon's chest. Wherever we are, it's beautiful. There are hills, open sea, lots of boats, dock side houses, high strung lights. The whole nine yards. It was breathtaking. I took in the scenery and slowly fell back to sleep.

-About 30 minutes later-

I woke up again as the car came to a complete stop. Before I could only see the houses, boats, and lights a little. Now we were so close that I could take it all in. It was even more beautiful. The boats weren't even little boats like I thought, they were yachts. I yawned. "So, why are we here?" I asked Zane.

"Oh, you're up? This is the boat dock... Me and Q's surprise. Wake him up." I shrugged and did just that. Zane hopped out the car and went over to Pharaoh's side. He opened the door, reached in and picked her up like a baby. He didn't even bother to wake her up. They are so cute...

*Pharaoh POV*

I woke up in Zane's arms. I looked around to see tall high strung lights, beautiful houses, and yachts. Aria and Quvon were walking next to us hand in hand.

I tapped Zane's shoulder. "I'm up. Where are we going?"

"You're finally up. I was lonely with these two love ducks." I chuckled a little. Zane put me down and pointed to a yacht sitting by the dock. "That's ours." He smiled.

"A boat!? Zane, how'd you guys do this!?" I was really curious, too. We had only been here for two days. How did they arrange for us to be riding on yachts and what not?

"That, my dear, is between me and Q."

I just shrugged. "I guess. This is nice though..."

"Come on..." He swooped me back up and carried me to the boat.

"Babe, I can walk..." I laughed.

"I know."

"So, put me down weirdo."

"Nah." And that was the end of it. We would be going back and forth the whole way there and I already know what that leads to. No thanks! I jut let him carry me until we were on the dock and greeted by the woman that would be preparing our dinner and driving the yacht.

Once we were inside the yacht I just stared around. It was so beautiful and romantic like. There were two rooms, two bathrooms, a living room area, and a kitchen. I was in awe honestly. We took a tour around and then Zane lead me to what was our room. There was already a ton of my stuff there. "Seriously babe, how'd you guys do this? I didn't see you take any stuff from the hotel."

He just laughed. "I told you already. It's a secret, but get relaxed for dinner." I sighed and went to take a bath. The water did feel amazing against my skin. It was the perfect temperature. I grabbed my Mango body wash and started to lather my body. I finished and went to put on some clothes. I didn't know if it was a fancy dinner or not so I just put on a pair of tan ankle length Levi's, a black tank top, peach colored cardigan, and my black Toms. I put on my pearl earrings and put my hair into a big curly bun with a peach bow in the back. This will do..

*Aria POV*

The guys definitely surprised Pharaoh and me. How they did this? I don't know. They managed to get all of our things from the hotel room to this boat with out either of us knowing. Well, they had to have someone do it for them because we'd been with them all day. I don't even know. They did it somehow and I was happy they did.

I got out the tub and decided to put on my black crochet shorts, a white button up and my Olympic 12's. I put my hair in a high back ponytail and put on my silver dangle earrings and plain silver chain. I sighed and walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. Zane and Quvon had a candlelit dinner for me and Pharaoh. They were so sweet. I went to sit next to Quvon. Pharaoh was sitting by Zane on the other side of the table. This is how we'll be spending the next couple days in Hawaii and I honestly don't mind.


I know this chapter was kind of, ehh. I was having a writers block sort of. Sorry it took so long! Sorry it's so short, too. Well. Let me know what you guys think.

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