Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Rocky POV*

No! These niggas just shot my boy! I'll catch revenge on them later. I have to get him to the hospital. I was doing 80 mph to get him there.

I pulled up to the hospital and ran in with blood all over me. "Yo, I need help! Right now!" Doctors came out with a stretcher to get Zane. He looked like he was holding on, but it hurt me to see him like this. I would switch places with him in a heartbeat. He has a baby on the way and a life ahead of him. I walked along side the stretcher as they rolled him in. "Come on, dude! You gotta hang in there! Stay strong for your son, man. For Pharaoh, and for me. Just hold on. Please!" The doctors told me that I couldn't go back with him. I had to wait in the waiting room until they came out. I had to call Pharaoh.

*Pharaoh POV*

I was having a good dinner with my dad. We just talked and had good times like we used to always have. My phone started ringing. I looked and saw it was Rocky. He would have to wait. I'm having too much of a good time with my dad. "So, you mean to tell me I was the worst when I was a baby!?"

"Yes, you were horrible!"

"I don't believe you, dad." I laughed. "I've always been an ang--" My phone rang again and it was Rocky. I rolled my eyes.

"Go on and answer it."

"Hello?" I said picking up my water glass to take a sip.

"Pharaoh, you have to get down to the hospital quick! Zane's been shot!" I dropped my glass and water went everywhere. I don't believe what I'm hearing. I started crying instantly.

"He.. He.. What?"

"You heard me. He was shot. I'll explain more when you get here. Just hurry. We're at Paul's." We hung up and I dug in my purse and pulled out a two hundred dollar bills. That should cover the bill, plus tax for tonight.

"Daddy, we have to go to Paul's. Zane got shot!" I said through tears. He didn't say a word. He just shot up and we headed out. I saw a waitress and told her that I left two hundred dollars on the table for her. She saw that I could barely talk through my tears and assumed something tragic happened, she was right. I jumped in my dads car and we sped to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital Rocky was sitting with his hands in his palms. He was bloody. Seeing him like that just made me cry more, just the sole thought of the blood on him belonging to Zane. I couldn't help, but sob in my dads arms. We sat down with Rocky and he explained what had happened. Whoever it was shot a couple rounds through the window, but first they said to tell my dad he was next. This wasn't making any sense to me. Everyone loved my dad, he was always a fair man. And why would they go after Zane? Honestly, he's the kindest heart ever. I guess I just don't understand this whole drug life as well as I thought I did. As long as I've been around the game, my dad's crew had never been targeted by an enemy. At least not that I know of.

We sat for hours before the doctor came out. "Family of Zane Carter?" I stood up and went to him.


"Zane is fine. He was shot once in the shoulder, not hitting any nerves and the other bullet just grazed his arm." I sighed in relief.

"Can we see him?"

"We can allow one person to go back tonight. Zane had a lot of blood loss, causing him to pass out. He's conscious now, but he's a little tired. Which of you would like to go?"

"Um, can we have a minute?"

"Sure, I'll be over here."

I walked back over to my dad and told them what was going on. They decided I should be the one to stay tonight and that they'd come back tomorrow. We said our goodbyes and I went to be with Zane. When I got into the room he was sleep. He looked so peaceful, but I know he's in pain. He has to be in this hospital for a whole week and doesn't get out until the day before his birthday. What kind of fun is that? None at all. And he won't be fully healed for three months, two months with a good personal trainer. That's when his season starts. I hope he gets better before it does. I'd feel horrible if everything didn't go good for him with basketball. I fell asleep in the chair next to his hospital bed just thinking about everything.


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