Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to jumping on the bed. "Wake uppppppp!" I know it was none other than Aria.

"What?" I whined. "I didn't go to sleep until late... Just a few more minutes... Maybe hours..."

"You think you're the only one!? 'Oh, right there!' 'Yes!' 'Oh, baby!' 'Zane, go deeper!' 'I can't feel my legs!' 'Oh my god!' 'Oh, I'm--"

She was obviously mocking me. I cut her off.

"Shut up!" I hid my face. I don't think I was that loud. Was I really? No... She was just making stuff up? But what could I say if I was that loud? Baby puts it down, ya know. She laughed.

"Don't hide now. You wasn't hiding from that un un, so don't try now. Just be a lot quieter next time. Put a damn sock in your mouth or something!" She was dying of laughter right now.

"Omg! Shut up Aria! You're embarrassing me." I pouted, sitting up bed and removing the cover from me. Aria gasped really loud. "What!? You see a ghost or something?"

"No..." She wasn't so joking now. "Go, uh.. Take a look in the mirror Pha." What was this girl talking about? I groggily stood up and made my way to the sliding door closets. It's doors were full length mirrors. I looked up flipping my hair back and gasped just like Aria did. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. There were hickies... Not just one here, one there. At least ten of them! I had them on my neck, shoulders, thighs, and stomach. What is wrong with Zane? We're too old for hickies man. I don't know how I hadn't noticed them before... They kind of hurt. I turned to Aria.

"Where's Zane!?" I was showing nothing but seriousness in my face. She pointed over to her suite. I pulled on one of his tshirts and some shorts then stormed through the door conjoining our suites. "Zane Torian Carter! Me. You. Talk. Now." I spoke just words and he knew I meant business. I walked back into our suite and Aria went back in hers.

"I'll be back, man." I heard Zane tell Quvon. Then he was standing in front of me. "What's up baby girl?" He smiled at me. I stripped back down to my bra and girls boxer briefs. "You trying to go again?" He smiled walking towards me. I threw a pillow at him.

"Zane, what is this?" He looked confused. "This shit. The hickies Zane. I'm really pissed about this."

"But why? You knew what I was doing last night."

"I knew you were sucking and kissing. I didn't know you were doing it so hard you'd leave hickies! These are ugly and huge! Count them. Tell me how many you left. There's maybe ten of them dude."

"It's not that big of a deal babe."

"It's not that big of a deal to you because you don't look like some type of spotted animal. I can't wear the clothes or swimsuits I want because I have to cover these things now. I have to wear my hair down in this hot ass weather, too." I sighed. "I just really don't appreciate this Zane." I sat down on the bed.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think you would react like this. I mean after last night you were bound to have a couple. I guess I just got a little carried away."

I raised an eyebrow. "A little? Ten... That's a little?" I laughed and he did too.

"Okay, I guess a lot. I got a lot carried away. Forgive me?" Ugh. I couldn't stay mad at him. It was just hickies, but still this is my body and I have say so in if I want ugly ass purple bruises all over it or not. He walked in front of me and tilted my head up. "You forgive me?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "Don't do it again though. And I'm not kidding." He smiled and kissed my lips then pressed them to my neck. "Eh, no. No more free lips for you mister. Lips only."

"Which lips?" He smirked.

I punched his arm playfully. "You are so gross!"

"That's not what you said last night." He whispered in my ear. I got that feeling in between my legs again, but I had to control myself this time around. "You want to go get breakfast?"

"I'd love to..."

"Well, go get dressed... Aria and Quvon might come too." I just nodded and got up to go find the clothes I wanted to wear. I had already showered so I only had a couple things to do.

Everything I had brought was a bit showy. I had to find something that was going to cover these hickies. "Ugh!" I fell back on the bed. I heard giggling. It was Aria. "And what do you find funny?"

"Um, the fact that you can't find anything to wear." She tossed a bag at me. "I went out and got you some clothes."

"Thanks baby!" I said a little too happy, but whatever. Aria had got me some loose fitting high waist shorts. They had a cute pink and green floral print on them and were just long enough to cover the hickies on my thighs. She got a light weight, long sleeve, white crop top to go with them. I put on the clothes and my pink sandals that strapped around my ankle. I added some makeup to my neck and on the hickies that were still visible on my stomach. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and then some gold jewelry. I was ready.

We went to a small diner for breakfast and then shopping. We went to a lot of little shops and got a lot of different things. One store attracted me the most though. It was a baby store. I was so in love. It made me want to know the sex of my baby so I could get him or her a lot of stuff, which I did anyways. I had to stick to the unisex things though. I picked out Hawaii tourist onesies, Hawaii baby socks, bottles, bibs, and baby jewelry.

"Pharaoh the baby not even here yet." Zane said. Everyone laughed.

"Soooo." I said still looking around the store. "I can't wait to find out what we're having."

"I can't either." Aria butt in. "My baby is taking too long to get here. We need to make you nine months already." Zane cocked his head and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Your baby!?" I just laughed. "So you cheating on me now Pharaoh? You hear this Q? They playing us!" I laughed harder.

"I'm sorry babe. She seduced me. I mean look at her. She's 115 pounds of fine as fuck!" I said laughing and paying for the stuff. "Where are we going next?"

"Well, we have a surprise for you girls." Zane smiled. Quvon just nodded in agreement.

"What is it!?" Aria and I asked in unison.

"It's a secret." Quvon answered.

"You guys!" I said putting my things in our rental car.

"It's not fair." Aria said fake pouting. "They always keeping secrets from us babe."

"Man, I know. I really want to know now." I said getting in the car.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." Zane said buckling his seatbelt. I sighed and rested my head on the window, drifting off. I was tired anyways, I could use a little nap.

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