Chapter Twenty-Five

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-Three Months Later-

Today I'm seven months pregnant. My pregnancy is going by so fast to me and it's easier than I thought it would be. Right now I'm getting dressed for our baby shower. Zane's already dressed. I chose for our baby shower to have an all white dress code, so he's wearing white ripped jeans, a plain white Polo tee with a blue horse, his white foams, and of course the bracelet that Sophia picked out for him. He loves that bracelet. I don't think it's so much because of how luxurious it is, he has others like it. I just think it makes him think of Sophia so he's in love with it. Anyways, he put on his white Polo hat that has a brown strap and blue horse. He's out of his sling now, too. He looks adorable. I handed him a pink bead necklace and went to put on my dress. My dress was a little under knee length, but with my baby bump it was mid-thigh length. It was one shoulder, tight at the top with a defined waist and flowy bottom. I put on a blue bead necklace and a gold tennis bracelet to match Zane's bigger bracelet. I put on my white and brown open toe wedges, to show off my gold polish. I grabbed all the last minute baby shower things we had at the house and me, Zane, and my dad headed to hall we had rented out.

When we got to the hall, I was scared of what it would look like. I hadn't seen it since before I decided on the decorations. I stepped in and I absolutely loved it. The dance floor was lit up with blue and pink lights, on one side of the dance floor there were tables with pink cloths on them, blue cloths were on the other side. In front of the dance floor there was a table for me and Zane to sit at with a lot of shelves behind it for people to put their gifts. We had a candy bar on each side of the hall. The girl side had a mix of baby pink and white m&ms with other assortments of candy. The boy side was the same, but had baby blue and white m&ms. Then there was our cake. It was four tiers high, had a plain white, then blue, then white, then pink from the top down. There was a 3D baby's butt on top, in a diaper, with its baby feet and legs hanging over the side of the cake. It looked like the baby was hiding its head in the cake. Since no one knew the sex, except a few, the sex would be revealed when we cut open the cake. It was vanilla cake, we just had it colored baby blue for our guest.

It was 1:50, the baby shower starts at 2:00. I made sure there was plenty of blue and pink bead necklaces for our guest to choose if they thought it would be a boy or a girl, then checked on the food I was having catered to my guest and the bar. Since we wouldn't eat until 4:30, I decided to go with a dinner palate. They would have a choice of a chicken cesar salad, steak and potatoes, chicken parmesan and garlic toast, or lemon pepper tilapia with a small citrus side salad. The drink choices are water, lemonade, fruit punch, Sprite, Pepsi, orange or grape soda, and there's two signature non-alcoholic drinks. The first signature drink is a sparkling blueberry punch. The next is a sparkling raspberry lemonade that's pink in color. I tasted them both and loved them. After I checked on that, I made sure the games were right. We had a few baby shower games that would last for an estimated hour, then we would dance some, do dinner, cake, dance more, and then do gifts to end the night. I'm already really excited.

2:00 came and people were already arriving. I handed out the beads to each person, if they thought it was going to be a boy they got blue, for a girl they got pink. For the ones that already knew about the sex, I just let them pick which ever color they liked the most. A lot of my little cousins came and Aria even brought Sadie and Cedric with her. I loved the twins, they were sweet and kindhearted like their big sister. I gave each of them a hug. "Hi Sadie! Hi Ced! I haven't seen you guys in forever!" I looked at Aria. She just shrugged. "I think they're going to hang with me." I laughed. I really did miss them. I only got to see them when Aria's mom and stepdad hit very rock bottom to where Aria just couldn't stand to have them around the mess. Recently, Aria's mom had completely given up on them. She just agreed to let them go with Aria to Atlanta, too. I took my mind off that situation. I need to be happy right now. "So, Sadie. Ced. You guys want to help me pass out beads?" They agreed. "So, I'll ask the guest if they're team boy or team girl. Blue for boys, pink for girls." I gave Sadie the pink beads and Cedric the blue. "Thanks guys. You're the best." We handed out beads and I thanked people for coming as they walked in. Things were going good. I looked around and realized that I didn't see Zane anywhere. I hadn't seen him in quite sometime actually. I'd been greeting people since 2:00, it's 2:45 now. "Hey, I'll be right back." I told the twins. I went to my dad. "Have you seen Zane daddy?"

"He said he left something at home. He left about thirty minutes ago."

"Okay. Thanks." That was odd. Why would he leave without telling me? And how did he leave, he didn't even go through the front door. I was walking back over to the entrance and I saw Zane coming in. He was carrying a little girl. Who is that? I thought to myself. As I got closer I realized that it was Sophia. How did he get her here? Miss Daily said that I'm the only one who takes her, who's even allowed. I waddled over to them as fast as I could. "Hi Sophia!" She smiled and waved at me. She looked so pretty. Her hair was high up in a knot bun and she had two beaded braids in front where a bang would be. There was a gold bow in the back of her bun. She was wearing a fluffy white Easter like dress that stopped at her knees. I laughed when I got to the shoes. "Who dressed her?" I giggled some more.

"I did myself." Zane said proudly. I knew it. Only Zane would dress her in a dressy dress with white, gold-studded Vans. It wasn't uncoordinated though, surprisingly. It was actually a really cute mix together.

"Her hair too?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, that was Aria..." He laughed.

"I see. You guys go enjoy yourself." I gave Sophia a hug and finished greeting the last of the people that arrived. Anybody else that arrived late would have to pick their necklace from the peg board I had customized. It said 'Team Boy' on one side with lots of pegs to hold the necklaces and 'Team Girl' on the other with the same thing.

We basically partied all night. It was so much fun and more like a celebration than just a boring baby shower. The games we played were fun to watch and judge. I had prizes for the winners and one of them was being the first person to cut the cake and reveal the sex of the baby. Oddly enough, Zane won the game for that prize. We finished and ate dinner. It was delicious. Then there was more dancing and cake. Everyone who didn't already know the sex were either happy or bummed that they were right or wrong. We did gifts lastly and got a lot of amazing stuff. Some of the people who knew the sex went ahead and got boy stuff. I laughed at them for not going along with the plan. A lot of people just got us gift cards for certain baby stores and other places so we could pick our own things out. I thanked everyone, made a toast with the signature drinks, whichever they chose, and that was the end. When we finally left it was 7:30 and I was exhausted. I thought more about tonight. My favorite part was meeting Zane's dad and little sister. His dad was actually a really cool guy and his little sister was too adorable for life. I didn't get to meet Riley, Zane's dads wife, tonight because she had work to do at home but that's okay. All I know is that tonight was definitely a blast.


Only two more chapters to go! Maybe doing a sequel, haven't quite decided yet. It depends on how you all are enjoying the story... So, let me know.

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