Chapter Eight

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I talked to Miss Daily right after work. I wanted Sophia. If I couldn't adopt her myself then I wanted my dad to. It just had to be done. I couldn't let Sophia slip through the cracks.

-Couple of days later-

*Sid POV*

I've been really busy lately. I haven't spent any time with my daughter and my main worker hasn't been around much. I understand though. He told me he didn't really like the work and he was a good kid. He was looking for a job and a college, so I didn't pressure him too much. I know how important success is to him. I could see him as the son I never had and I wouldn't want my child to focus more on these streets than educational success like I did. I had a full ride scholarship to Yale because of my grades and a full ride scholarship to Duke for my ball skills. I could have been out there in the big leagues or with them bougie folks making bank, but the streets had me back then and they have me now.

I was just pulling into my driveway when I spotted two cars. Pharaoh's and one I didn't recognize. "Who the hell is this?" I spoke out loud to myself. "Pharaoh must have company." I parked my car and walked into the house. "Hey sweet---" I stopped in my tracks. Zane was sitting in my couch with his arm around my daughter laughing at some movie they were watching. He looked at me and was stunned.

"Hey daddy!" Pharaoh said happy. "I have someone I want you to meet." She smiled and came and gave me a hug.

"I'm afraid I already know him sweetheart."

"Uh... You do?" She was really confused. Zane came and stood next to her.

"Hey Sid." He dapped me up.

*Pharaoh POV*

I stood with a look of surprise on my face. Here I am excited to finally have my dad meet Zane after we'd been dating for nearly a month and they already knew each other. What the hell is going on? "Daddy, Zane." I looked to both of them. "Fill me in. I'm confused." They both just laughed at me as if I should have known.

"Zane here does drops for me every now and then. Greatest worker I've ever had sweetheart."

"And your dad, he's like a father to me, honestly. He doesn't force me to do this and understands when I can't." He smiled. "Honestly, Sid, she's the reason I haven't been around as much lately."

"She's always hounding you, huh? Tell her to cut the leash!" They laughed and talked about me like I wasn't even there. My dad. My boyfriend. Doing business and talking to each other like they've been friends for years. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was sure my dad was going to give Zane a hard time for dating his little girl, but here I am, the one basically getting chewed out.

They kept talking about me like I wasn't there. I playfully punched Zane in the chest. "Um, you guys do know I'm standing right here right!?" They laughed as I went to sit back on the couch. "Continue your bromance then." I laughed. Zane and my dad went into the kitchen and started talking about something. I couldn't hear them though.

-Hours Later-

Zane had stayed over literally all day. Tonight there was a party going on and I was definitely going to be there! I was so busy with school and work that I barely got to get out. Now there was only three days left of school for me then I would be graduating. Can someone say celebrate!? Yup, I'm going to show out tonight.

I hopped out the shower and went to my room wrapped in my towel. Zane was laying on my bed. We had already been to his house so he could get ready now we were just waiting for me I guess. I went over to my vanity and blow dried my hair. I plugged up my straightener and did my makeup while it got hot. I then straightened my hair. I was going to put in a tight wrap bun with a side bang. I wanted to get dressed first though."Baby?"

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