~An Ihop reunion?~

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I look at the men standing in front of me. Adams mouth is wide open, Barney is asking Jin who I was, Jin was speaking quietly to Barney, and Ross was looking at me.
"Your KawaiiNarwhal!!!!!" Adam yells.
"Why yes I am good sir!" I say through a giggle. Ross starts laughing like crazy, Jin is calming Adam down, and Barney is standing awkwardly.
"Adam, why are you so excited to see me?" I ask. Adam finally calms down and looks at me.
"My recruits have been asking for me to collab with you, or invite you to the offices since your new here in Washington." Adam says with a grin. I start laughing.
"Sure why not? I'd love to be in the offices with you!" I yell and give Adam a small hug.
"Well, why we're here why don't you come eat with us?" Ross asks, motioning to the doors with his hand.
"Sure, I'd love to!" I say as Ross opens the door for me and walks in after me. We all take a seat. Me and Ross on one side with Jin on the end, squishing us together. Adam and Barney on the other side of us.
"So tell us a little about yourself, uh....Kawaii?" Adam asks.
"Just call me Sky!" I say with a smile.
"Ok so Sky, what's your favorite thing to do?" Ross asks.
"Oh I LOVE playing video games!" I say with a smile.
"Anys familys?" Barney asks.
"All in Illinois." I say with a shake of my head.
"Favorite color?" Ross asks.
"Probably lime green." I say.
"Food?" Ross asks.
"Ross enough questions!" Adam says.
"Pancakes." I sigh. The waiter, Andrew takes our order.

~tiem skip brought to you by.....BACON MAN~

We get our food and eat slowly.
"I've been wanting to meet you guys since I arrived!" I say once I'm done eating my small pancake.
"Really?" Jin asks.
"Duh! You guys are awesome! Who wouldn't want to meet you?" I say.
"I's don'ts knows." Barney says as we get up from our spots. On the way out I bump into Ross.
"Sorry!" I say instantly. He grabs my arms.
"It's ok, I'll catch you anytime." Ross says with a grin on his face and a small pink tint. I blush and head to my car.
"See you at the offices tomorrow at 8:00 Sky!" Adam says. Crap I got to get things packed.
"Ok! Bai!" I yell at their backs. I get in my car and drive home. When I get home, I get out and do a small dance to the door and up my stairs to my room. IM GONNA BE A PART OF THE OFFICES! I think about Ross and fall fast asleep.

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