~Do not giggle~

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I finally set everything up, and I was ready to record with the guys. Ross came by my office every ten minutes to see how I was coming along and helped some what. I sit down in my gaming chair and skype Ross, Adam, Jin, and Barney.
"Hay you guys ready for some do not laugh?" I ask the four men.
"Heck yea!" Adam says. We log into the same server and Adam does his intro. Now my turn.
"Hay my Narwhals! Today I'm here with the one and only.... SKYDOESMENECREFT, JANBAP, BERNY, AND....... ROOOOOSSSSS!" I yell into the mic. Everyone gathers around my minecraft character and punches me.
"Wooooo Sky!" Ross yells. I giggle.
"Hay this is do not laugh not do not giggle!" Jin says. Adam explains the rules, even though I've watched way to many to have memorized the rules.
"Ok, Ross in the middle." Adam says. Ross stands in the middle and Jin tries to make him laugh.
"Face the score board Ross." Jin says. Ross turns and Jin pulls out a girlfriend cage and let's her out. It's my skin on the girlfriend, and he places a clone of Ross.
"Noooo!" I yell at Jin. Jin just laughs evilly as he pushes the two clones together. "Ross......" I say.
"Is it bad?" He asks.
"Kind of." I reply.
"Ok you can look now Ross." Jin says. Ross turns around and you can hear him getting up from his office chair and running to Jins. "NOOO!" Jin yells. Then there's a thump in Jins office and some yelling.
"Guys come on!" I yell at Adam and Barney. I open my office door and sprint to Jins. Me, Adam, and Barney are standing in the doorway as Ross is holding Jin to the floor.
"What the heck Jin?!" Ross yells into his face. I run to Ross and Jin and pull Ross off of Jin.
"Ross....." I say. He looks at me tears streaming down his face and a huge blush. Adam helps Jin up as I hold Ross back. I look at Ross and he sprints to his office and slams the door. I make videos with Jin, Adam, and Barney while Ross makes videos for his channel, alone.

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