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{Cameran's POV}

I wake up in an old warehouse it seems like. But, it had some type of house feel to it. I look down and find that I was strapped to a chair, with duck tape. I start panicking. I take a couple deep breaths through my nose, since I had a rag in my mouth. I look around and spot a bed, a table, and mini fridge. Then a shadow. I stop and listen. It was Kaiden! The memories rushed back, Adam crying, Sky yelling at Kaiden, and Kaiden knocking me out. He came around the corner with a whip. And a camera? He sets the camera on the tripod that I just noticed. He walked behind me and started tapping on something. A computer.
"This is going to be fun..." Kaiden says in a evil voice. He hooks something into the computer. "And we are rolling, live." He says with a evil grin. The camera was pointing straight at me. "So if you want Cammy-Wammy to live.....bring me Sky." Kaiden says with a chuckle. Then he cracks the whip and the pain comes.

{Skys POV}

I run to my car and put it in drive and skid out of the parking lot. Ross ran at me screaming to stop, but I just couldn't let him get hurt. I knew where they were. The old warehouse that Kaiden called a home. I skid to a stop in the parking lot and jump out. I sprint to the door and jerk it open. I run in and find Cameran bleeding from the stomach. Limp in the chair. Kaiden looks at me startled. I run at him and punch him in the jaw. He grabs me and tries to kiss me. I slap him and kick him in the crotch. He falls over and grabs the whip and brings it down on my leg. Leaving a big cut. I scream and kick him in the face. He gets up slowly and punches me in the stomach. I fall over and he kicks me in the face. The last thing I saw was a shoe inches from my face.

[Ross's POV]

I ran after her car, screaming for her to stop. It didn't work so I ran to my car with Adam and followed her. She skids into the parking lot of a warehouse and gets out. She ran to the door and sprinted in. I drag Adam in with me after I heard her scream. When I walked in she was on the floor with blood coming from her nose. Kaiden was towering over her. Kaiden looks up and sees me and Adam and throws Sky over his shoulder and runs. I tell Adam to stay with Cameran as I run after Kaiden. He drops Sky and continues running. I tackle him and pin him down and punch him in the nose, then the jaw. He stopped struggling.
     "Your relationship won't last long with that guy Max. He wants her. We all do!" Kaiden yells in my face. I punch him once more and he passes out. I take my phone out and dial 911.

[Authors note]
Well I loved the action in this chapter, but not the part about almost dieing.....but whatever. I despise Kaiden. His character is horrible. But I do love Ross and meh. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay magical!

~sky out!

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