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[Sky's POV]

~1 Year later~

The wedding was amazing. All my family was there along with Friends. But it was time to start thinking about our future.
"Hay, Ross?" I ask.
"Ye?" He replies.
"Do you want to start a family? Our kids could grow up with Mason." I smile
"Of course!" Ross grins and hugs me. I kiss him and step back.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" I whisper and wiggle my eyebrows.

~10 Months later~

Finally, Ash was born. Ash (Enter Ross's Last Name). I smile as we walk out to the car, waving at Adam and Alesa. They were babysitting Ash for the night thankfully.
"M'lady." Ross tips an imaginary fedora. I grin and step into the car.
Ross pulls me into (enter restaurant name here) and kisses me. I smile through the kiss and grab his hand.
My life in one picture. I need him. And I'm glad I do.

Adam and Alesa got back together and had Mason.


My One and Only (House_Owner X Reader) {Will be going under construction}Where stories live. Discover now