Chapter 2) Faith

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Read On...=P Aghh read already!!!!! XD

Aimee's Pov

Mike sat in the drivers seat. As I sat in the passengers. And as soon as Mike started driving. I started thinking about the new pizzeri---Horror Atrraction opening up.
Would there still be kids there? I thought. I loved being around kids and helping them out, too. Which is another reason why I got the job there.

But, of course there wouldn't be kids. It's a horror attraction! There wouldn't be kids there. They wouldn't allow it. I wish there was...
What would my purpose be there anyway? A night guard? There better not be! A security guard? Probably. Maybe there is another job. But, I highly doubt it includes kids....

I glanced over at Mike. And right at the moment he looked back at me. But, immediately turned away. I admit ever since we started dating, things have been different. But, hey I never said there was something wrong with different. Now did I?

Right at the moment, we arrived at his apartment. He opened the car door for me. And I went out. We both walked to his door. It started getting a little cold. A little too cold for my liking. He pushed it open and I entered. I knew that he invited me for a reason. He wanted to talk. I wanted to talk, too.
I sat on the couch. Mike did the same.

"Aimee are you still going to be working at the pizzeri---I mean horror attraction?" He asked. I see he made the same mistake I did. I giggled at this and responded.
"Of course! You are too!" I said with a smile. Mike didn't seem to answer. He looked down. He seemed to be ignoring me. "You are too? Right Mike?" I said. I wanted to catch his attention. "Mike?" I called out.

And finally Mike looked my direction. He finally said something.
"Yeah..." Mike said with half a smile and I smiled back. I was surprised at Mike. How could he not want to work with me? At least he decided he was. Mike shouldn't second guess himself. It's probably because he worked there for a long time. But, hey everyone has their....their...I don't even know anymore. He just needs to have a little faith in things....

Mikes Pov

I tried coming up with an answer for Aimee. I still wasn't sure wether I should take the job or not. After all I've been working there for a while now. And I am getting tired of the same thing over and over and over..... But, this.....this is something different. Something scary.

Then I started thinking. Nothing can be scarier than taking the night shift. So, the job is going to be a breeze. And I knew that if I didn't take the job. Aimee wouldn't either. It's not like I was the one getting the night shift. If there even was one. And I wasn't going to let up Aimee give up the job because of me!

I looked up to see what Aimee was doing. And I saw that she was on her phone dialing a number. And me being me. I really wanted to see who it was.

And apparently I'm a bad eavesdropper. Aimee looked over at me! To see what I was doing!

"Mike, what are you doing?" Aimee asked me with a slight smile.
"More like what are you doing?" I said.
"Well I was going to call Jeremy and tell him what was going on. But, now you have to tell me what's going on." Aimee still kept her smile. Then a smile appeared on my face. She got me there.

"I was just....doing something..." I said. Wow. That really sounded a lot better in my head. Actually no. It really didn't.
"Yeah I thought so..." Aimee replied. Aimee continued dialing. And finally Jeremy had picked up.

Aimee moved to the other room. I couldn't exactly hear what Jeremy had been saying. But, I heard most of what Aimee had been saying.
"I just needed to tell you that you don't need to come to work tomorrow.." Aimee's voice trailed off. Until she continued. "Because the place is closing down. For a new attraction something like that." Well that was what I heard, at the most. She had obviously said more than that.

And after a few minutes Aimee hung up. She walked towards the door. And I ran towards the couch. And I collapsed on it. "Mike what did you hear?" Aimee's voice said. With a strict but, playful voice.
"Everything...." I said with a smile. Aimee rolled her eyes. I barely heard a thing honestly.

Aimee then immediately got a phone call. And then of course I wanted to know who was calling her. But, she knew I would be listening in on whoever she was talking to. So, she walked into the kitchen. I barely heard their conversation. Not like I was trying to hear or anything.

All I could hear were mumbled voices. Then finally Aimee bursted through the door. She wasn't mad or anything quite like that. She still had a happy expression on her face. "Sorry Mike. I have to go." Aimee said keeping the smile. "Oh ok...." Was all I said.

I honestly wanted to ask her who it was. But, then that would really make me sound like a stalker. And I definitely didn't want that. Because--I mean---Stalking on my girlfriend....imagine how bad that sounds. It sounds even worse in my head. Imagine how it would sound out loud!

I opened the door as Aimee grabbed her belongings. This consisted of her phone, her bag things like that. Aimee hugged me and then left....

I started getting a little bored. I mean why else would I invite Aimee. I'm bored... I am always bored. But, hey I could always call someone.

Then the room suddenly got cold. I didn't have to second guess myself to see who it was. I already knew who it was. There was a gust of wind. A chill had entered the room. A chill down my spine. And finally Faith appeared. The 7 year old spirit. Well at least I think. She never really told me.

"Hi Mike...." Her voice echoed.....

"Hey..." I said back to her. Apparently she may or may not have heard or seen Aimee come in here. I saw a smile rise on her face. Or should I say a ghostly smile. No, I should stop with the puns.
"Why are you that?" I immediately asked her. The smile stuck on her face. As she started to say something.

"Mike and Aimee sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g! First come's love then comes mar---" I cut Faith off there. I definitely wasn't going to let her say that. Mostly because I knew what comes next..... Wouldn't be the first time. Faith is......Faith. And I don't mind that.
One bit.


I know I said I was going to post on my birthday or the day before. It's not even close to it yet! XD

I'm just in a good mood to update all my books!!

Cya again!! :3

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