Chapter 7) Insane

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This is just a reminder that I had the idea of the sequel book since November, 18th, 2015. Crazy, I know.

-No one's Pov-

Everything flashed through Gracie's eyes. Some memories. Some of which she couldn't remember. Some things that she is sure hadn't happened whatsoever.
But, every thought she had...Involved Faith in some sort of way. She couldn't stop thinking. Whatever it was making her think about it, just couldn't stop.

Almost as if Gracie wasn't
controlling herself.

After an hour. An hour of waiting. Waiting for any animatronic to move. Nothing happened. It was 1pm, Gracie couldn't stop thinking. She heard a click sound. Like a door lock, or a door closing, or opening. She immediately turned her head towards the left. Afraid to see what had been there.

All Gracie could see was a shadow.

Click, click, click.

Gracie didn't hesitate to switch to the vent cameras.

Click, click, click.

-Gracie's Pov-

I couldn't breath properly. There was some sort of click sound.
Click, click, click.

I swear it drove me insane. Or at least starting to.

Eventually, I had to switch off to the vents camera. It's funny how nothing seemed to happen. Until I saw a somewhat familiar face. Possibly just a hallucination.
I put the tablet down a few seconds after.


I managed to catch my breath after the so-called jump scare. I couldn't exactly tell which animatronic it had been. All I knew was that it was some sort of Balloon kid..and that I didn't hesitate to jump. As a matter of fact, I wasn't feeling too well.

Flashing red lights had came out of nowhere, I still couldn't breath properly. I went to fix the audio device and the ventilation. There had been some sort of error. I flipped open the small laptop. I restarted the system.

All the red lights stopped flashing. Everything went quiet all of a sudden. Even more than it had been before.
Then again, all you could hear was the clicking. Honestly, I didn't know what there was to do next.
I went back to check on the camera. Well that was until I noticed something from the window in front of me. It was some sort of animatronic. It wasn't really moving much. Or at all really. It was just looking. Looking at me. I wasn't feeling well at the moment.

Time went by slow. It was 4am.

Only 2 more hours....

The same animatronic had been circling me in this room for hours. He wasn't like the others. Very different, in fact. As if he had a purpose for it. The only thing that was stopping him from coming inside was me...not looking down at the tablet. Or even trying to move.
I could finally see why Mike was against this job. I've always been.


The shift was over. And nothing much happened. Except for that one animatronic. I figured that he didn't have a name yet. But, for now I can keep it by the name my dad prefers to call him by....


10 minutes after, I placed everything back in the bag I had been carrying. As if I was to leave. I knew that I had to stay another hour anyways.
It didn't matter much to me..

After that, I heard the slam of a door closing. Just what I was expecting. I walked across the hall, as Pg walked down the hall heading into the office.

"Hey Gracie.." He said. I honestly didn't know what to say next.
"Oh, hey. It's been a while." I stated. He had been here to check the animatronics. I did state that some others were going to be working here as well. What I didn't mention was that Pg..or in other words..Scott was one of them.

"Well, we should head to it." He said, I nodded. We walked to the opposite way of the halls. And into the storage room, where Aimee, Mike and I had been in. Back to where the animatronics had been in.

Back to the spare parts, Back to the extra heads. Back to the masks And Springtrap. Back where we began...

-No ones Pov-

Mike and Aimee were out setting up posters. The now melting snow remained on the ground. And nothing has really changed. Aimee had a stack of the posters in her hands, She would've been better off taping.. Mike placed and taped one of them on a pole, towards the corner of the attraction.
Mike had sort of left the flyer tilted, in which Aimee really didn't want to point out.

"There. That good enough for you?" Mike asked, as he adjusted the sign. "Maybe it is, Maybe it isn't.. Here you can carry the stack, as I tape." Aimee said, while taking the stack of papers and handing them to Mike and stealing the tape dispenser from his hand. Mike didn't really seemed bothered by it anyways.

"Might as well, tape one in front of the attraction. We're already here." Said Mike, as he held the stack, and gave a sigh.
Aimee didn't respond, but she did walk towards the Attraction. Mike did the same and followed. As Aimee walked towards the door, she took a small piece of tape and grabbed a flyer from Mike behind her. As she started placing one in front of the door, She carefully adjusted it. After that moment, Gracie came walking out, with her bag in her hands and ring in the other.

"Gracie?" Aimee called out.
"Oh hey, Aimee." Gracie said with slight a smile.
"Have you been in there since we left?" Aimee said with a surprised expression on her face.
"Sort of." Gracie replied, with a shrug. As if saying not mug of a big deal.

"Well, isn't that great.." Mike stated, in a sarcastic voice. Today wasn't exactly his best day.
Aimee gave a fake smile as she quickly nudged Mike. In which Mike groaned.

"What were you doing, that took hours?" Aimee asked, out of curiosity.

Gracie couldn't answer.

But, she did know that it was all making her feel half insane.


Hope you liked the chapter! Because I've been working hard! And...that is pretty much it!! XD


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