Chapter 22) Murders

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A\N; updates once a week, if i get chapters prepared. or twice a week, if im feeling lucky.


"Trust me, if anyone knows about Faith, it's me." Mike got up from the couch, and stretched. Gracie was left speechless for an entire minute. Mike wanted to find things out, as Faith wasn't one to open up to him. Gracie worked there the longest, so he figured she must've known things.
Gracie tried to adjust to Mike's house, it was small but she got used to it. She sat down at the edge of Mike's couch.

Mike stayed standing. He attempted to start up a conversation. But, Gracie beat him to it. "So, what exactly about Faith do you want to tell me?" She hinted, her arms crossed.
"Okay. So, long story short I--" "I want to hear the full story, Mike."

Mike couldn't help but feel that what was about to happen wouldn't help the situation at all. "Okay."

Mike attempted to calm himself down, he sat on the other end of the sofa, besides Gracie. "Right. So, Faith. She's dead." Mike stated the obvious.
"Yep. Thanks for pointing that out." She states sarcastically, with a smile that seemed to disappear after a while.

Gracie had patience today. It was a simple Monday afternoon, she was supposed to be busy today. She had an important meeting to get to, which involved her father, also known as her boss, with some sort of situation with the industry and whatnot. She wasn't really feeling up to it.

But again she hated the topic of Faith, and anything about her. But, she didn't care as long as she got escape her version of hell.
"Alright. So, what if I said, I knew things about Faith."

"I know things about her as well. Get straight to the point Mike." She said, turning over to her right. "You were never able to figure out whether she was murdered or just missing, right?"
"Actually, I figure she's just missing. But, keep going."

"That's where your wrong." Mike stated, sounding way more positive than he should have.
"She was murdered." Mike continued.

"That's not true." Gracie shook her head in disagreement.

Mike couldn't find the words to explain to her. Faith said so herself. She said she had been killed, she couldn't exactly remember who it was.

Although, she'd stated specific details. Something about seeing a flash of purple, and a small room.
Mike could already tell who'd it been.
"I'm pretty sure it is." Mike began. "I mean, it was around the time of 87' right?"
Gracie nodded. "And who worked there around that time?"

"Uh, let's see." She tried looking back. "I'm guessing Vincent, that one dude, one of the night workers...I'm pretty sure." Gracie stopped there, unable to remember names, she could only recognize faces.

"Say, for example Vincent was the murderer."

"He wouldn't do that." she said.

"I said, for example." Gracie shrugged in reply.

"Could you even imagine him doing something like that? I mean he's worked there for years, why'd he even do that." Gracie didn't think of anyone wanting attack her sister like that, or anyone for that matter.

"I kind of can imagine that."

"Just because he's worked there for the longest doesn't mean he'd kill just for the fun of it." Gracie stopped to think, Mike sat in silence. "It's like saying I'd do the murders myself, considering I've worked there the longest, too."

Mike couldn't handle Gracie denying that Vincent actually didn't cause the murders. Because he actually did. And that Faith wasn't murdered. Because she actually was.

"I'll prove it to you." Mike couldn't help it. Mike waited for a moment. He expected a chill up his back, or a sudden burst of coldness. But, nothing. "With what exactly?" Gracie asked, confused.

"Never mind." Mike didn't even bother waiting for Faith to show up. Gracie sighed, legs crossed, sitting patiently. "What were you going to show me?" She asked, curiously.
"Nothing. It's nothing."

Gracie raised an eyebrow. "C'mon you can tell me. It's not like I'd tell anybody about it, not like I have anyone to tell."

"The spirits, I mean." Mike murmured to himself. Gracie heard. "Do you mean the so - called spirits that happen to still haunt the pizzeria?" Mike nodded.

"They're real." Mike tried to make himself sound believable, but it wasn't working.
Gracie wasn't one to believe in those things, they were all myths and fake facts.

"Are you implying that Faith is one of those spirits, because I'm 100% sure that she isn't." Gracie didn't like believing that her sister was murdered.

Mike was puzzled and Gracie was feeling very confused herself.

Gracie felt her cell phone vibrate in her pocket, it turned out to be her father. She sighed. Ignoring the call, placing the phone back into her pocket.
"I have to go."

"Okay." Mike didn't mind. He'd failed at doing the one thing he needed at the moment. He tried to be convincing, but it wasn't enough.


Mike sipped his cup of coffee, once again alone in his home. He'd planned on moving to a bigger, better home. But, that plan was made a year ago or so. He never actually did end up moving. He hadn't had the money. He already payed enough for the rent.

But, he thought that it must've been nice to own a home big enough for two.

He pondered that for a while.

WCS > Fnaf ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora