Chapter 3) TrainWreck

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You are very eager to read. Aren't ya?

Mike looked at Faith. As Faith looked back at Mike. "Just because Aimee and I are dating, doesn't mean you can say that..." Mike said back to her.
"Say what? Oh you mean this...Mike and Aimee sitting in a tree! K-i-s-s-i---" Mike stopped her in the middle of the sentence. "Yes that!" Mike said.

"Ok fine. I'll stop." Faith said with a grin. "Have you been spying on us?" Mike asked. And he thought she was something more of a stalker. "Maybe just a little. And I should be the one to say it...." Mike knew what to expect from Faith most of the time.

"Mike..... You are horrible at things.." Faith said.
"What things?" Mike asked. With a little bit of confusion. His anger levels rising. But, he was able to control his temper.
"Everything!!!" Faith screeched. But, only Mike could hear.

Mike sighed. "Not only that. But---!" Faith continued. She had much more to say. She could go on forever. "Ok! Ok..." Was all Mike said. "Better now....than never..." Mike then gave a glare at Faith so she would stop. And that's what she did. Mike wasn't exactly sure why Faith would come here at a time like this.

"Now...tell me why your here. Besides stalking me or whatever." Mike said.
"I just wanted to tell you something about the horror attraction." Faith said. So, she was spying on them.
"I don't want to know." Mike said. But, he actually wanted to know.
"Are you sure...?" Faith asked once more. Faith had some big news. Mike really needed to know. Everyone should know.
"I'm sure..." Mike said in return.
"Ok...." Faith said. Faith knew what Mike had coming for him. But, Mike had no such clue.

-time skip! Few days later-

It was the afternoon. And Mike was on the phone with Aimee. It wasn't really much of a surprise. Aimee had been asking Mike to take a look at a new website. "New huh?" Mike then said. He typed it in. FazbearsFright:Horror
(If this was an actual website, I would definitely search it up! XD!!!)

The first thing that came up was a model of how the place was going to be built. He looked closer at the webpage. 1 million views! Wow, that's a lot even for Mike. It was getting even more views by the second.

He looked at the description of the place....

Fazbears Fright:

The Horror Attraction!

Local Amusement park is getting ready to scare your socks off with a new attraction based on the unsolved mysteries of Fredy Fazbear's Pizza.

Featuring actual relics from the decades-old pizzeria, this new attraction is guaranteed to bring back your childhood memories in the worst possible way!

Mike read it. He read it over and over again. For what lasted forever. Until Aimee interrupted him on the phone. "Mike did you search it up yet?" Aimee said. Which startled Mike a little. "Yeah. And I read it." Mike responded. "Well....." Aimee trailed off. "Well what?

"Well....what do you think?" Aimee said. "It's pretty scary...I guess." Mike then answered. "I was the one who wrote it you know..." Aimee said. "You wrote this?" Mike had a surprised expression. "No duh!" Aimee said.

"Right..." Mike said, face palming himself.
"Well?" Aimee said in return. "I liked how you put a picture....?" Mike said. He knew that whatever Aimee did he would like it. Even if that wasn't exactly the best answer. "Wait, so why were you called?" Mike immediately moved from one topic to the next for no apparent reason. That's just Mike...

"Our manager called me and asked me to come as soon as possible. That way I can design the cover, type it all up and put it in the website! And I managed to print 100 of these posters!" Aimee said. Mike smiled at this. Mike liked how Aimee was able to do all that. But, Mike honestly didn't even bother wanting to talk to the guy who was going to stick up all 100 of the posters.

"Hey Aimee. Who's going to stick the posters up?" Mike asked. He knew he wasn't going to feel bad...AT ALL.

"Well you! Of course." Mike face palmed at this. He should've seen this coming. Apparently he didn't feel bad for himself...AT ALL. But, he really didn't feel like doing anything at the moment. Especially if was alone.

"Right...." Mike said. Mike face palmed himself. Aimee could tell Mike was in no hurry to start that
train- wreck.
"Well, I asked Vincent, he immediately refused. I called Jeremy, he said he was busy. Then, I called Fritz he said he couldn't make time." Aimee said. "Well you didn't ask pg..." Mike replied.

"I couldn't call him. He's helping out with our Boss. Recording messages and stuff like that!" Aimee knew Mike didn't want to do it. Which is why she wanted Mike to do it! " Gracie. She would love to help out!" Mike then said. Mike knew Gracie wouldn't even bother trying to help. "Not calling Gracie because I want you to do it." Aimee said back to him. "And?" Mike said.

"And....I called her and she refused. So no." Aimee answered. Mike wasn't expecting an answer from that. "Ok fine." Mike said rolling his eyes.
"Great! I'll see you near your apartment tomorrow?" Aimee said and asked. "Ok." Mike said in response as they both ended the call.

If Mike knew that Aimee was going to help out he would've obviously said yes. And he knew why the guys and Gracie refused to do so. They knew that I would want to do it....well not alone of course.

He then started thinking about things a little deeper. If the previous place had already been popular...then why put up posters, a website. Why go all out on things? Mike thought. If it was that big then it would have more employees. More animatronics. Maybe even a little something extra....something else..

Mike still wasn't planning on doing anything during his month long break. He's been doing things his whole life. Most of the things involving Freddy's! But, apparently he's got more coming for him than he thought. Great! Another train wreck heading towards Mike! He was used to this in his life.


Another chapter just for you!! Any guesses? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Probably not....

Byeee!! ~MangledGirl

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