Chapter 23) Letters

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A\N; I've cured your boredom. QueenBiotomia

Mike was now over at Aimee's house, trying to take a break from his own life and into someone else's.

"You're house is pretty small, but it'll do for now." Mike said sarcastically, with a sly grin.

"Okay, believe what you want."
Aimee laughed. Mike rested himself at one of the chairs in Aimee's dining room table.

Aimee felt glad to have company, Mike barely ever came over to her house, he said that he was at work more than often.

"Are you hungry?"

Mike shook his head in response.

"I'll get you something." Aimee said, ignoring the fact that Mike didn't want anything. She liked having guests over.
She went into the kitchen, making coffee; finding any sort of snack that happened to be set on the table.
Meanwhile, Mike was sitting, deathly bored. He didn't want to be stuck with his thoughts, which were quite devilish at the time, so he asked for something to entertain himself with.
As the coffee maker started itself up. Aimee walked back into the living room, she started to recommend things for him to do. "You could always read a book." Aimee insisted. "I don't like reading."

Aimee had just the right book in mind. "I'm sure you'd like this one." She ran into her room right through the hall. Mike sat puzzled.

Aimee had a shelf full of different books, but she had a specific one in mind. She pulled out a book, it was one of her favorites. She'd figure Mike would probably like it.

She walked back into her dining room, handing the book to Mike. "Guarded Love." She stated. "What?"

"It called, 'Guarded Love'." Aimee said. Mike took the book from her. "I don't like love stories."
It's not exactly a love story, it was more than that, she thought.

"Then, what do you like?" Mike shrugged in response. The coffee machine started beeping, meaning the coffee was ready. She went into the kitchen, preparing it. Mike took a look at the cover.

He didn't enjoy reading things, especially love stories. He opened it up to the first page, and the smell of a fresh book filled the air around him. He liked that smell.

He read the first page, and thought that maybe he'd give it a try. Although, he didn't know for sure. Aimee came in carrying two mugs on each hand, handing one to Mike.

They both discussed different topics, preferably on books; but, mainly on the idea of new jobs and new ideas.


After the meeting, Gracie was given 10 letters, she was told to deliver them to the address stated on each envelope. She put them into a back pack that she'd kept in handy.
It had started drizzling, the pattering of the rain had been increasing slowly. Gracie hoped that it would calm down later tonight.

Each envelope was designed for the previous employees, Aimee, Mike, Vincent, Jeremy, Fritz. Anyone who'd been working there. Including one for herself.

Gracie didn't like that she had to go and deliver them herself. She'd prefer for a mailman to go and hand them out. Or was she a mailman now? But, she could get a job as one. She didn't really know anymore.
She walked as the sun set, it was a lovely view. She enjoyed it. Although she couldn't really make the time to do things she enjoyed, all she could do was work. Because, apparently it's what kept her up and going. But, she didn't believe it.

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