Chapter 27) Caller

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A\N; i hope this makes sense <3


Gracie waited.

She waited, pacing around in the dark alley where she had came upon Vincent and that Freddy suit.
She decided not to think about what had just happened between whom she just talked to.

Because it just made her feel worse.

It was early in the morning. Say 4 or 5 in the morning. It was dark outside, and it wouldn't be bright until a few more hours.

Gracie looked to her right, a shadow lurked about getting closer every step. "Finally, it could've took longer," Gracie scoffed.

She said this to the person who walked right past her.

She was feeling impatient of having to wait. He rolled his eyes in response. "Sorry," Vincent murmured. "I had some business to take care of."

Gracie raised both her eyebrows, and thought about what he must've meant by i had some business to take care of. She pondered that idea for a while.

Gracie looked over to her right side ; she saw Vincent, who really seemed to be admiring his knife, the same one he'd pulled out the other day.
"Why am I doing this again?"

He questioned. Gracie didn't answer.

"May I ask, why you can't do this yourself?" He asked, seeming quite uninterested now.

"Because they wouldn't expect me to do something like this. If it were you doing it they'd know why."

Vincent rolled his eyes. Gracie seemed to ignore him.

"Have you even had time to think about it?" He asked again, looking at Gracie with a look of suspense on his face.

"Yes. It's been a week. And I've thought," Gracie sighed. "Besides it's for the best."

Vincent disagreed, although he hadn't spoken a word to her after that.

There was silence.

The vibration of Vincent's cell phone had broken the silence.
He felt a sense of alarm, as he barely close to never received any phone calls or text messages of any kind.

As requested by Gracie, he ignored the call.

A few seconds after, the same caller had been shown in the caller id.

Gracie was annoyed now. "Just answer it." She sighed.

He did as said. The connection between the two callers seemed to take a while to work, as they couldn't be heard by each other properly.

"Who was calling you?" Gracie asked.

Vincent squinted down at his phone screen to read the name. "Aimee," He was unamused.

Gracie's eyes widened. She didn't say anything else. Although she had lots of questions and thoughts racing through her mind.
Gracie sighed frustrated. Vincent seemed to take this humorously, as he joked, "do you want me to kill her too?"

She shook her head. "Let her live."

"I just--" Gracie stuttered. "I just want this to be over already."

The caller on the other line seemed to hang up almost immediately, although there'd been no sound coming from the person on the phone.


Distant scream.

Flashing lights.

Blurry shadow.

He ran off.

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