Chapter 14) Ahead

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There was a feeling inside me. I felt like there were walls closing in on me, I was scared. It was because of that dream, more like nightmare. The thought of it made me jump.
Goosebumps were all over my skin, I paid no attention to it. All that mattered right now was..
what was ahead.
Mike walked up in front of me, grabbing the doors handles; pulling the door open for me. I walked inside, the lights were so dim, nothing could actually be seen. The lights went on and off every now and then, but it was only part of the attraction. We heard footsteps heading this way.
"'re here finally. You know what to do." Mike just continued to walk as if Gracie wasn't there. As if she didn't exist. I smiled at Gracie. She didn't seem to notice.

We both kept walking, heading towards the end of the hallway. There was something odd about the place, well at least nothing that I hadn't already noticed. The already open door, was right ahead of us.
We heard the thump of the exit door closing shut; Gracie must've left already. It was like she was waiting for the end of the day.
If she hates her job..then why doesn't she just quit?

Then, it began-
Mike and I rushed inside, it was more than wanting to survive. It was more of trying to survive.
The chiming of the clock started, We could already sense what was ahead.



I tried to ignore the sound, but it was playing repeatedly, over and over. I found it distracting. The noise never seemed to stop.

So, the night went on. There were no surprises or anything, really. Only the constant sound of Mike murmuring to himself, driving the two of us insane. But, I always considered helping him out. The thing was that he didn't need the help. He didn't need it. We needed it.
It was impossible.

For a moment there you could almost hear the sound of nothingness. It was like a blank space, where everything became dull for almost a moment there. Like that empty spot there is when you press the space bar and there's a space between two words, kinda like that. It was just empty, And I wanted to change that; I wanted to spark up a conversation.

Normal pov
"So. Mike, let's talk." Aimee stated awkwardly. "What about?" Mike then asked.
"Well, I don't really know. We can talk about Faith!"Aimee stated. " that an option?" Aimee sat in her chair, unable to control herself. It was all driving her insane. But, neither Mike or Aimee realized it.

"Sure. I mean if you want."
"She is one of the victims of the incident, or am I wrong?" Mike nodded. "Well, I wanna know more. Can we call her?"

"Mm.. It doesn't work that way." Mike shook his head.

"I don't think I can just ask her to magically appear. You can't just call her, she just happens to arrive on her own."
Mike stated, turning his chair around to face her. Aimee looked into his eyes, she could tell..he was scared too.
Aimee tilted her head, there was just this small feeling that said Mike was right, she wanted to prove him wrong for once.

"Hello." She cleared her throat. "Faith? It's me Aimee." Aimee added. Mike looked at her, as if saying it was never going to work. She was afraid Mike was right this time.

He turned his chair back around, getting back to work. He scrolled through different cameras, searching for signs of something, anything. Aimee zipped up her sweater, wind blew her hair back. She could easily sense it- Faith.

"Mike! Faith is here, I could feel it!" Aimee exclaimed. "It's just wind, Aimee."

Aimee sat in a chair behind Mike. The room was silent, just nothing. It was all blank and empty. She hated that feeling. They both did.
"As I said Aimee, Just wind."

She rolled her eyes. Even though Mike had been right, It was one of his many talents. Or so he thought. It was there at that moment that Aimee regretted sparking up a conversation.

"Mike. I'm bored." Aimee played with her hair, changing it up every few minutes.

"That's nice."

Mike continued to check the cameras. He checked the halls, Springtrap was getting closer. He didn't want to let Aimee know. The room was starting to get a little cold. Probably due to the fact that the small fan was blowing directly in front of him.

It wasn't fun for either Aimee or Mike. "Mike. Can I help?" Mike didn't say anything. He simply just handed her the tablet, without speaking a single word.

Aimee scrolled through cameras, she noticed shadows and different sized animatronics. She checked the vents, but nothing seemed to come by.

By 6am Mike and Aimee managed to live. A night of terror, was more of a night of boredom. Aimee fled out the door. She figured the sooner she left the place, the better. Mike decided to come along too, he honestly didn't even try to care anymore. By the time Aimee got up to the horror attraction, she'd seen that both of them had already left. It didn't bother her as much either.

Mike dropped Aimee off at her house, which hadn't been that far. Now it was just Mike. Alone. For the first time in days.

It didn't really bother him. He was used to being this way.

During the drive, everything was back to being dull. The way it had always been from the start. Who knew that one person would change his whole life?

Who knew that one simple job, could lead to a disastrous, thrill-taking life? It was almost as simple as that.
A/N hi guys. :3 i would've updated sooner, but my phone cracked. *tear drop* So, it's been hard to use without being stabbed at by glass.

Anyways, thoughts on whatever this chapter was. I swear it gets better. ^
I'll cya really soon, next chapter! (Which will hopefully come in a week or so). :D


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