Chapter 24) Reality

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A\N; this chapter was strangely difficult to write somehow.


Saying Gracie was unhappy was an understatement. She felt even less than that. She had to walk home alone, in the rain. Excluding the fact that the rain was getting increasingly worse by the minute.
She held her bag over her head. She was annoyed about everything at the time. She wasn't feeling great. She wasn't expecting to run off like that.


She ignored it, walking faster. It wasn't her fault that she left. It was the voices. The voices that she mistook for her mind. It really wasn't that. She wasn't losing her sanity. It was something else.


It was 1 in the morning, and she would not be asleep if she were home. She looked forward to being there anyways.

Gracie. She stopped walking.

"What?" She said aloud. Why?

"Why what?" Gracie removed the bag, which was now soaked in rain, holding it in her hand. Why didn't you tell them?
"What could they do about it?" Gracie stated promptly. "I mean why would they even do anything about it?"

They're friends.

"Look, I'm not taking advice from a--" Gracie now continued to walk, the streets filled with rain. "from a--"

"What are you again?"

I'm Faith.

"Right." Gracie said, she could only figure that she was just imagining things. Gracie wanted to visually see this Faith, and there could've been a possibility of that happening.

"Hey, do you think I could see you?"

Probably. Faith said. Do you want to? Gracie nodded.

It was dark out, she could barely see a thing. Besides, cars and their headlights and street lamps, otherwise everything else was pitch black. The moon was blurred by clouds. The streets were lit by the moon.
"So are you ever gonna come out?" Gracie scoffed.

Yes. Gracie felt cold, she rubbed her hands together for heat and warmth. Strangely, it was supposed to be hot out tomorrow, but it felt the opposite.

There wasn't any cold air, or anything supposedly that felt cold. Although, she did feel a sense of-- something else.

Hi again. Faith appeared in front of Gracie. She stopped. Faith didn't look as different, compared to when she'd been alive. "Are you Faith?"

She nodded back, it was quite obvious. Gracie laughed, because she knew it was her mind making things up.

What's funny?

"Oh nothing. I just find this funny in a way." Gracie went on walking, a bit slower this time. "It's funny, because your not real."

I am real.

Gracie couldn't believe that her mind was capable of this. It felt real almost. She didn't want to believe it herself. She disliked knowing that Faith was elsewhere.

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