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Man shit I thought I would never see her ass again. Well since I last saw her at my house. Which was a two years ago.

"You need to watch where the hell you walking. You always bumping into me." I told her with a hard voice.

She gave me a glare. It look like she picked up weigh since the last time I saw her.

"Nigga you bumped into me. You need watch where the hell you going." Angie said back.

She gets on my nerves man.

"Stay the hell away from me." I said to her.

"Gladly." She said then walked away.

Angelica Danielle

I swear I can't stand Keenan ass. He gets on my nerves. Why do I let him get under my skin the way he do?

When I first seen Keenan that day in the hospital i knew he was a special person. I could see in his eyes he been through a lot. He's a very cruel person. It would take a lot to make his heart not so cold.

I know I'm keeping a secret from him also. Well see uhh we made a baby together. We have a baby girl who I name Kelsey. She look just like Keenan. I'm just glad she don't act like him. I still don't know how to tell him.

His whole family knows about our baby. His mother is keeping her now while I go to school up here. Mama Sky is such a sweet lady. Please don't piss her off though. That lady will cuss you out so fast. And wouldn't care, but I love her.

I'm going home this weekend to visit my baby. I miss her. She will be two soon. I need to start planning her a birthday party. She's loves Sofia the first. I cant tear her away from the tv when she watching that. That's when her temper comes out. Yes my Kelly has a temper. Poor baby.

Right now I'm on my way to my apartment. Papa Ken put me in one while I stay up here and get my education. I can't believe I came all the way to Florida to go to school. If I knew Keenan was down here I wouldn't even come.


"Man you coming home this weekend?" Kasey asked me.

"Man I don't know. That's a long ass drive man." I said back.

We was face timing each other.

"Auntie Kase I want some cereal." I heard a little girl said in the back ground.

"Oh shit KD done got Dasha pregnant. Aww lemme see my niece." I said.

The screen went black. What the fuck just happen? Did Kasey just hang up on me?

Fuck it.

Guess I'll take my nap before my afternoon class.

When I woke up I had a miss call from Cory.

Man I'm not calling that fool back. Messing around with him I'll be late to class.

I took me a shower and got dress.

When I got to class I saw Angie Danny in my class. Man fuck! Can my day get any worst.

Somebody bumped me from behind. My reflex was super fast. I turned around and punch the hell out that person.

I saw Danny ran up to me and grab me to drag me out the class.

What the fuck just happen?

"What happen?" I asked Danny.

Danny looked at me strange .

"You punch the professor out, that's what happen. You don't remember?" She asked me.

Hell no! Oh no fuck! I hope I don't get kicked out of school.

"Let's just go." Danny said to me.

I looked at her like she was stupid.

"Girl, I'm not going no where with you. Get the hell away from me." I said then walked back in the classroom.

I went back to seat in the classroom like nothing happen. The professor kept looking at me over his glasses, but didn't said anything to me.

Danny walked back in the class. Look like she been crying. Oh well she will get over it.

This class boring as hell. I think I'm going to hate this computer class.
Fuck it!

That's chapter one!!!

Angie Danny in Media

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