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Today is the day I go to court. I'm not saying shit to nobody. I'm pissed the fuck off tho.

"Keenan you about ready?" I heard my mom asked me.

"Hell no I'm not ready leave me alone man."

"You better watch your damn mouth before I come slap your ass in it."

She not gone do shit.

"Have you took your meds today?" I heard Angie asked me.

Why the fuck she worrying about what the hell I do? I'm not her man. Just because I gave her ass some dick she don't need to be asking me questions.

"Man don't worry about what I do." I said still ironing my clothes.

"I guess not, but you will not talk to me like that again Keenan." Angie said then walked out the room.

Fuck her.

"Da da da da." I heard Kel said holding my pill bottle.

I took it from her and looked down at her.

"Only for you baby girl." I said then pop two pills.

"Da da gud." Kel said then clapped her hands.

I smiled at her.

"Yeah da da good." I said picking her up and kissed her cheek.

I put her back down and slip on my shirt.

I went to look for Angie.

She was in her room laying down.  I went to lay with her.

"Danny." I called her nap.

She ignore me.

"Danny I know you hear me." I said.

"What do you want Keenan?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't take my meds until just now. Kel bring them too me. I want you to come with me to court."

She turn to face me.

"Who going to watch Kelsey?" She asked me.

"We can take her to my sister house. I'm sure she could watch her for us." I said laying with her

"Why you laying down? We have to be to the court house at 4:30." Angie looked at her phone.

"Man i don't want to go." I said pulling her on top of me.

She looked down at me and smile.

"You so beautiful." I said.

Her eyes got big and she blushed.

As she was about to kiss me.

"Da da da da." Kel starting calling my name from the other room.

"That's all she know, is a da da da." Angie pouted.

"Don't be jealous." I laughed.

"I'm not."

I gave her a look.

"Okay maybe a little bit." She smirked.

"It's okay babe. She both of our baby, so no need to be jealous." I kissed her cheek.

She started crying. What the hell. Did I say something wrong?

"Why you crying?" I asked her.

"No reason I'm just happy." She wiped her tears."

I got up and placed her on my lap.

"Look at me." I grab her chin in my hand.

She looked at me.

" I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to hurt you in the past. I'm trying my best to be a better man. Not for just myself, but for Kel and our unborn. And maybe you too. Well if you want me." I looked in her eyes.

"Keenan Sammie Davis your ass better be dressed." I heard my mom yelled.

"Yes I'm dressed." I yelled back.

"Then what the hell we waiting on let's go." My mom yelled again.

"Damn Sky all that don't call for." My dad said.

"Kenny don't you start with me." My mom said.

"Keep on with your damn mouth, and watch me slap you in it." My dad said.

"Nigga please....ouch shit Kenny that hurt." I heard my mother yelled then I heard a slap noise.

I got up and walked out the room.

I saw my dad had my mom against the wall tonguing my mama down.

"Uhh eww." I said to them .

I saw K'Mar and K'Von walked up to them.

"Y'all always ruin the moment." My dad said picking K'Mar while my mom got K'Von.

"Let's go" my mom said.

"Man I'm waiting on u." I said.

Angie stick her head out the door.

We made our way outside. I rode with Angie. While my mama and dad drive his escalade.

We dropped the kids off with Kasey and we were now on our way to the courthouse.

"You nervous?" Angie asked me.

I shake my head no. I mean why would I be? Nigga shouldn't have run up on me, like what the fuck.

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