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Feels like I'm about to go crazy in this house. I'm ready to go back home. I'm horny, Angie not giving me none. This shit is sad as hell.

Right now Cory over here with a liquor bottle and his red cup.

"Man that bitch got me fuck up bruh." Cory said taking a sip of his drink.

I just shake my head.

"This bitch got me over here being faithful to her ass and she played me man. This bitch pulled a nigga move on me. I mean she curve my ass." He said taking another sip of his drink.

I done heard this story already. I just let him talk. Soon he will be crying.

"Man I love her ass and she do me like this. Me? The nigga that been good to her. The nigga that save her life. That same nigga who got her ass pregnant but she aborted my baby. But still I love her. I love her through it all." He said as tears fall from his eyes.

His ass need to leave the liquor bottle alone.

"Everybody can't have that relationship like you and Angel." He said.

Angie and I don't have a relationship . Why everyone keep saying that man?

"Danny and I are not in a relationship."

"Boy u the only one call Angel, Angie Danny. Nigga what kind of name is that? The girl can't even walk in a room without you staring. All u do is just stare at her. I think the reason u stay picking fights with her, is to try to break the attraction u have for her. It's not gone happen nigga. It just making that love stronger. When the last time y'all had sex?" Cory said.

"Man it's been a minute man. She won't even talk to me really. I don't care tho. She not my girl."

"Man your ass lying. I bet right now if she start talking to somebody else. You would be so hurt and down."

"Nah u have that shit all wrong. Not me." I said.

Angie can get anybody she want I don't care. I can get any bitch I want. I'm not about to be tied down to one girl.

The door open and Angie entered the house. My eyes followed her all the way up the stairs.

"You got it you got it bad, when Angel come around. Get mad when she go right back. You got it you got it bad, when she don't talk to your Light bright ass." Cory sing then busted out laughing.

His nor singing ass play to damn much.

"Man whatever. U need to take your ass to sleep. I'll be back."

I got up and made my way upstairs to check on Kel. She was still sleep. Then I went to Angie room. She was laying across the bed crying. What wrong with her now?

"Danny?" I went to sit on the bed.

She sit up and wipe her eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" She said with an attitude .

"I heard you crying. So I came and check on you."

"I don't need you checking up on me. This is all your fault." She yelled at me.

Okay see me trying to be nice to this bitch and she acting up. Fuck this bitch.

"Bitch how you crying got anything to do with me?" I asked her.

She looked at me and jumped up and slap the hell out of me.

What the actual fuck!

"Call me another bitch and watch me beat your ass." She got in my face.


She jumped on me before I could finish what I been saying. I mean she punch me in my eye, my lip, my jaw. I picked her up by her neck and throw her on the bed. She jumped back up and I push her back down.

"Calm the fuck down!" I yelled at her.

"No! Fuck u! You don't tell me what to do." She yelled at me as more tears rolled down her face.

"You know want fuck you too. Here I go trying to be nice to your ass and u want to give me the cold shoulder , like I did something to u." I said glaring at her.

"Get the hell out my room!" She scream at me.

"No you don't pay shit in this house. Therefore i can stay any damn where I want." I said.

She glared at me.

She walked over to me and kiss me.

What the hell!

I pushed her back.

"Fuck me Keenan." She said.

I pulled her to me roughly. I lower my mouth to her and kissed her.

All of a sudden I heard Kel crying.

Damn bad timing.

I stop kissing her and went to get my daughter.

I took her back in the room with me and Angie.

My face hurt.

"I messed your face up. I'm sorry." Danny said crying again.

Why the hell she crying now?

"Man it's okay. Stop crying. You getting on my nerves." I said sitting on the bed.

Angie glared at me.

"U get on my nerves too."


"I really don't like you." She said.

"I don't like your as- I meant behind either."

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

"I know." I said.

She sat up then.

"How you know?"

"I heard you throwing up all last night. You emotional. You talking shit to me. You beat my ass. Plus my ass eating weird ass shit." I said then realized I been cussing. I looked down and saw that Kel went back to sleep.

Thank God.

"I don't want no more kids by u." She said.

Ouch that hurt. It really did.

"Damn that's how you feel?" I said.

"Yes u too mean." She said and I laugh.

"I take my pills, so I'm nice." I said.

"You called me a bitch just now."

"So you saying things my fault." I said.

"Whatever Keenan."

"Nah whatever to you."

Lord she pregnant again y'all

She finally beat Keenan ass lol

Wow they actually having a conversation

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