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I just found out I can't go back to school until I go to court for beating that man half to death. So I'm doing my classes online now. That's sucks for real

Now I'm back at my parents house. I really don't want to be here, but I can't leave the state . This is some bullshit.

Right now my mom wrapping up my leg where my uncle shot me at. I still can't believe that nigga shot me.


"What Keen?"

"Why am I like this? Why do I have to be bipolar! Will my daughter be that way too?" I asked.

I wouldn't want Kel to be like me. From how everybody walking around me, I feel like I'm in a bad place right now.

I know it's not my fault nor could I control it, but still.

"No I don't think so. I hope not. Lord I hope not. I can't deal with both of y'all acting that way." My mom said kind of offending me.

"You going on like I'm that bad."

She just busted out laughing like I said something so funny.

After she wrap my leg up we went back downstairs.

Cory and Crystal was here.

Along with Kasey and KD.

Sam don't come around no more. It's like she done forgot about us.

"Wassup nigga." Cory greeted me.

I just nodded my head.

"Nigga still don't talk." Cory said.

The front door open and Angie came in with Kel on her hip. When Kel saw me she almost jumped out Angie arms. Literally

"That girl is a true daddy's girl." Crystal said.

Angie went to sit by Crystal.

"Crystal where Chris at?" Kasey asked Crystal.

"With his daddy." She said then shook her head.

"Damn everybody breaking up. Kasey like dick now. Tam-Tam ass can go to hell and die with a raw dick in her mouth. Dasha and KD having problems. I'm lonely as hell. Only God knows what Sam doing. And Keenan ass in love." Cory said.

He made us laugh when he said Tam-Tam can go to hell with a raw dick in her mouth. What the hell!

Wait, what?

Who in love again!!

"Who?" I asked as they all busted out laughing and Angie looked uncomfortable.

I looked down and see Kel sleep so I won't jump on his ass for cussing around my daughter .

"You." Cory said.

"Hell nah I don't love nobody but my daughter." I said .

"What about me?" KD and Kasey said at the same time.

"Man y'all know what I mean. I always said I wasn't the type to be in a relationship. Look at all y'all now. Tuh I will not get my heart broke and I end up killing somebody." I said then looked over at Angie.

She looked hurt, but oh well that's just me.

"Who want to bet me by end of this year Keenan will be know fall in love?" Cory asked them.

"I'm not taking that bet." Kasey said.

She knows me best.

"Hell nah man me either. That girl got his nose wide open now. He can't stop staring at her now." KD said.

They laughed. Well not Angie she still looking uncomfortable . What for?

"Man y'all need to go head with that mess." I said.

"Oooh y'all guess what?" Crystal said dying laughing.


"How about Cory sleep with Amber before." She said still laughing

Cory looked guilty ass hell. He nasty for that. That bitch nasty.

"Ewwwww Cory." Kasey said laughing.

KD just shook his head.

"How you know about that!" Cory asked Crystal.

"I was listening to you and dad conversation that day. He told you about Tara." Crystal said back.

"Ease dropping heifer." Cory mumbled.

We all laughed.

"Sure did forgot to let y'all know." Crystal rub her stomach. "This baby is really getting to me."

Angie just look not saying anything.

"Angel you don't have a hole through you yet?" Cory asked her.

Angie looked confused

"No why?" She said looking around her body.


"Keenan staring a hole through you girl. God damn he staring." Cory laughed, making everybody else laugh.

Angie looked embarrassed.

"Man Cory chill the hell out man." I said.

"We haven't got like this in a long time." Kasey said.

"We all busy doing our own thing." Crystal said.

"And your ass married with a baby and a baby on the way at the age of 20. Damn god bless u. You going to be like aunt Sky before u turn 40 with 5 kids." Cory said laughing

I just shook my head at his clown ass.

My mom came downstairs and offer me something to drink.

I said no I will get it myself. I'm not stupid. They trying to get me to take them pills. I don't need it. I feel fine.

She just left. While everybody else looking at me with a sad face.

"What the hell wrong with y'all?" I asked them.

They just shook their head.

I kissed my daughter forehead.

"Well I'm hungry." Cory said breaking the silence

"You always hungry. And Keenan always sleeping." Kasey said.

"Aye don't put me in that." I said.

"Any ways Kasey, Angel and I going to the comedy house next week. You want to go?" Crystal ask Kasey.

"He'll yeah. I'm tired sitting home." Kasey said.

"Well take your ass out." Cory said.

"Cory shut your ass up." Kasey said.

"You shut your ass up."

Kel woke up and look around.

"See you done wake the baby up with your loud mouth." Kasey said to Him.

Cory just sucked his teeth. We continue to talk until everybody left except me and Angie.

What you think?





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